Learn how to use the 'lifecycle' higher-order component to conveniently use hooks without using a class component.

import React from 'react';
import { withReducer, withHandlers, compose, lifecycle } from 'recompose'; // Mock Configuration
function fetchConfiguration() {
return new Promise((resolve) => {
setTimeout(() => resolve({
showStatus: true,
canDeleteUsers: true
}), );
const withConfig = lifecycle({
return { config: {} };
componentDidMount() {
.then((config) => {
this.setState({ config })
}) const UserStyle = {
position: 'relative',
background: 'lightblue',
display: 'inline-block',
padding: '10px',
cursor: 'pointer',
marginTop: '50px'
}; const StatusListStyle = {
background: '#eee',
padding: '5px',
margin: '5px 0'
}; const TooltipStyle = {
fontSize: '10px',
position: 'absolute',
top: '-10px',
width: '80px',
background: '#666',
color: 'white',
textAlign: 'center'
}; const StatusList = () =>
<div style={StatusListStyle}>
</div>; const withToggle = compose(
withReducer('toggleState', 'dispatch', (state = false, action) => {
switch( action.type ) {
case 'SHOW':
return true;
case 'HIDE':
return false;
case 'TOGGLE':
return !state;
return state;
}, false),
toggle: ({ dispatch }) => (e) => dispatch({ type: 'TOGGLE' }),
show: ({ dispatch }) => (e) => dispatch({ type: 'SHOW' }),
hide: ({ dispatch }) => (e) => dispatch({ type: 'HIDE' })
); const Statue = withToggle(
({ status, toggle, toggleState }) =>
(<span onClick={() => toggle(!toggleState)}>
{toggleState && <StatusList/>}
); const Tooltip = withToggle(({ show, hide, toggleState, text, children }) => (
{toggleState && <div
{ text }
{ children }
)); const User3 = withConfig(({ status, name, config }) => (
<div style={UserStyle}>
<Tooltip text="Cool Dude!">{name}</Tooltip>-
{config.showStatus && <Statue status={status}/>}
{config.canDeleteUsers && <button>X</button> }
)); export default User3;


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