




    public class SMSFactory
public static ISMS Get()
return new XSMS();


    public class SMSFactory
static ISMS _sms;
public static ISMS Get()
return _sms;
public static void Reg(ISMS sms)
_sms = sms;

这个代码分离了业务对XSMS的依赖,但依然要在程序启动时注册一个ISMS实现对象进去如:SMSFactory.Reg(new XSMS());


    public class Factory<T> where T:class
static T _obj;
public static T Get()
return _obj;
public static void Reg(T obj)
_obj = obj;

嗯,搞出一个好简单的泛型工厂了,我们再琢磨一下,这东西要在系统启动就传new好的对象进去,有点不科学啊,能不能让工厂自己new 呢,试试吧

    public class Factory<T> where T:class,new()
public static T Get()
return new S(); //晕了,S的从哪里取呢
public static void Reg<S>() where S:T


    public class Factory<T> where T : class
static ICreate creater;
interface ICreate
T Create();
class Creater<U> : ICreate where U : T, new()
public T Create()
return new U();
public static T Get()
//调用creater对象的Create方法实际上相当于调用了Creater<U>的new U()
return creater.Create();
public static void Reg<S>() where S : T, new()
creater = new Creater<S>();

完美啊,用一个临时的对象保存了继承类的信息,这样就可以在工厂类注册继承类进去了,回到上篇小黄的改来改去的SMS模块问题,我们也可以用这个泛型工厂解决掉业务的依赖问题了var sms = Factory<ISMS>.Get();只是要在启动的配置里注册上实现类


    public class Factory<T> where T : class
static ICreate creater;
interface ICreate
T Create();
class Creater<U> : ICreate where U : T, new()
public T Create()
return new U();
class SingletonCreater<U> : ICreate where U : T, new()
T instance;
object locker = new object();
public T Create()
if (instance == null)
lock (locker)
if (instance == null)
Interlocked.Exchange(ref instance, new U());
return instance;
public static T Get()
return creater.Create();
public static void Reg<S>() where S : T, new()
creater = new Creater<S>();
public static void RegSingleton<S>() where S : T, new()
creater = new SingletonCreater<S>();


    public class Factory<T> where T : class
static ICreate creater;
interface ICreate
T Create();
class Creater<U> : ICreate where U : T, new()
public T Create()
return new U();
class SingletonCreater<U> : ICreate where U : T, new()
class InstanceClass
public static readonly T Instance = new U();
public T Create()
return InstanceClass.Instance;
public static T Get()
return creater.Create();
public static void Reg<S>() where S : T, new()
creater = new Creater<S>();
public static void RegSingleton<S>() where S : T, new()
creater = new SingletonCreater<S>();


    public class Factory<T> where T : class
interface ICreate
T Create();
class Creater<U> : ICreate where U : T, new()
public T Create()
return new U();
class SingletonCreater<U> : ICreate where U : T, new()
class InstanceClass
public static readonly T Instance = new U();
public T Create()
return InstanceClass.Instance;
#region 无参数的
static ICreate creater;
public static T Get()
return creater.Create();
public static void Reg<S>() where S : T, new()
creater = new Creater<S>();
public static void RegSingleton<S>() where S : T, new()
creater = new SingletonCreater<S>();
#endregion #region 有参数的
static IDictionary<string, ICreate> creaters = new System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentDictionary<string, ICreate>();
public static T Get(string key)
ICreate ct;
if (creaters.TryGetValue(key, out ct))
return ct.Create();
throw new Exception("未注册");
public static void Reg<S>(string key) where S : T, new()
creaters[key] = new Creater<S>();
public static void RegSingleton<S>(string key) where S : T, new()
creaters[key] = new SingletonCreater<S>();



代码下载,用VS2015 update3写的,不用.net core的可以直接复制代码出来


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