
import org.apache.spark.sql.expressions.Aggregator
import org.apache.spark.sql.{Encoder, Encoders, SparkSession} object UserDefinedTypedAggregation { case class Employee(name: String, salary: Long)
case class Average(var sum: Long, var count: Long) object MyAverage extends Aggregator[Employee, Average, Double] { //A zero value for this aggregation. Should satisfy the property that any b + zero = b
def zero: Average = Average(0L, 0L) //Commine two values to produce a new value. For performance, the function may modify `buffer`
//and return it instead of constructiong a new object
def reduce(buffer: Average, employee: Employee): Average = {
buffer.sum += employee.salary
buffer.count += 1
} //Merge two intermediate values
def merge(b1: Average, b2: Average): Average = {
b1.sum += b2.sum
b1.count += b2.count
} //Transform the ouput of the reduction
def finish(reducetion: Average): Double = reducetion.sum.toDouble / reducetion.count //Specifies the Encoder for the intermediate value type
def bufferEncoder: Encoder[Average] = Encoders.product //Specifies the Encoder for the final output value type
def outputEncoder: Encoder[Double] = Encoders.scalaDouble
} // $example off: type_custom_aggregation$ def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
val spark = SparkSession
.appName("Spark SQL user-defined Datasets aggregation example")
.getOrCreate() import spark.implicits._ val ds ="/Users/hadoop/app/spark/examples/src/main/resources/employees.json").as[Employee] val averageSalary ="average_salary")
val result = spark.stop()
} }


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