// Summary:
// Register a type mapping with the container.
// Parameters:
// container:
// Container to configure.
// injectionMembers:
// Injection configuration objects.
// Type parameters:
// TFrom:
// System.Type that will be requested.
// TTo:
// System.Type that will actually be returned.
// Returns:
// The Microsoft.Practices.Unity.UnityContainer object that this method was called
// on (this in C#, Me in Visual Basic).
// Remarks:
// This method is used to tell the container that when asked for type TFrom, actually
// return an instance of type TTo. This is very useful for getting instances of
// interfaces.
// This overload registers a default mapping and transient lifetime.
[SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Design", "CA1004:GenericMethodsShouldProvideTypeParameter", Justification = "As designed")]
public static IUnityContainer RegisterType<TFrom, TTo>(this IUnityContainer container, params InjectionMember[] injectionMembers) where TTo : TFrom;

class Program
static UnityContainer container = new UnityContainer();

static void Init()
container.RegisterType<IPlayer, Player>();
container.RegisterType<IMediaFile, MediaFile>();
static void Main(string[] args)
OperationMain op1 = container.Resolve<OperationMain>();

public interface IMediaFile
string FilePath { get; set; }

public class MediaFile : IMediaFile
private string filePath;
public string FilePath
return filePath;
filePath = value;

public interface IPlayer
void Play(IMediaFile file);

public class Player : IPlayer
public void Play(IMediaFile file)

public class OperationMain
IMediaFile _mtype;
IPlayer _player;

public OperationMain(IPlayer player,IMediaFile mtype)
_player = player;
_mtype = mtype;

public void PlayMedia()


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