


            // Create the Outlook application.                 Outlook.Application  oApp =new Outlook.Application();
//Outlook.ApplicationClass oApp = new Outlook.ApplicationClass();
// Get the NameSpace and Logon information. Outlook.NameSpace oNS = oApp.GetNamespace("mapi");
// Log on by using a dialog box to choose the profile. oNS.Logon(Missing.Value, Missing.Value, true, true);
// Alternate logon method that uses a specific profile.
// TODO: If you use this logon method,
// change the profile name to an appropriate value.
//oNS.Logon("YourValidProfile", Missing.Value, false, true);
// Create a new mail item. Outlook.MailItem oMsg = (Outlook.MailItem)oApp.CreateItem(Outlook.OlItemType.olMailItem);
// Set the subject. oMsg.Subject ="mail";
//oMsg.Attachments.Add("C:\\mailLog.txt", Outlook.OlItemType.olMailItem, 1, "report");
// Set HTMLBody. String sHtml;
sHtml ="<HTML>\n"+ "<HEAD>\n"+ "<TITLE>Sample GIF</TITLE>\n"+ "</HEAD>\n"+ "<BODY><P>\n"+ "<h1><Font Color=Green>Inline graphics</Font></h1></P>\n"+ "</BODY>\n"+ "</HTML>";
oMsg.HTMLBody = sHtml;
// Add a recipient. Outlook.Recipients oRecips = (Outlook.Recipients)oMsg.Recipients;
// TODO: Change the recipient in the next line if necessary. string reciMailAdress=this.txtMail.Text;
Outlook.Recipient oRecip = (Outlook.Recipient)oRecips.Add(reciMailAdress);
// Send. oMsg.Send();
// Log off. oNS.Logoff();
// Clean up. oRecip =null;
oRecips =null;
oMsg =null;
oNS =null;
oApp =null;




 1       privatevoid Send()          {              Outlook.Application olApp =new Outlook.ApplicationClass();              Outlook.NameSpace olNS = olApp.GetNamespace("MAPI");              olNS.Logon(Missing.Value, Missing.Value, false, false);              SafeMailItem sItem =new Redemption.SafeMailItem();               Outlook.MailItem olItem = olApp.CreateItem() as Outlook.MailItem;               String sHtml;              sHtml ="<HTML>\n"+ "<HEAD>\n"+ "<TITLE>Sample GIF</TITLE>\n"+ "</HEAD>\n"+ "<BODY><P>\n"+ "<h1><Font Color=Green>Inline graphics</Font></h1></P>\n"+ "</BODY>\n"+ "</HTML>";              olItem.HTMLBody = sHtml;               sItem.Item = olItem;   string reciMailAdress=txtMail.Text;              sItem.Recipients.Add(reciMailAdress);              sItem.Recipients.ResolveAll();              SetPropValue(sItem, "Subject", "Testing Redemption");              sItem.Send();          }   privatestaticobject GetPropValue(object item, string propertyName)          {   try             {  object[] args =new Object[]{}; // dummy argument array                 Type type = item.GetType();  return type.InvokeMember(                      propertyName,                      BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.GetField  | BindingFlags.GetProperty,  null,                      item,                      args);              }  catch (SystemException ex)              {  //                Console.WriteLine(  //                    string.Format(  //                    "GetPropValue for {0} Exception: {1} ",  //                    propertyName, ex.Message));             }  returnnull;          }  privatestaticvoid SetPropValue(object item, string propertyName,object propertyValue)          {  try             {  object[] args =new Object[];                  args[] = propertyValue;                  Type type = item.GetType();                  type.InvokeMember(propertyName,                      BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.SetField |                     BindingFlags.SetProperty,  null,                      item,                      args);              }  catch (SystemException ex)              {  //                Console.WriteLine(  //                    string.Format(  //                    "SetPropValue for {0} Exception: {1} ",  //                    propertyName, ex.Message));             }  return;          }






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  4. python : jquery实现左侧菜单
  5. Ingress qdisc
  6. 分析实现Android自定义View之扇形图
  7. Spring与其他Web框架集成
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