1. Introduce
    样例sql语句:“what is the average number of pages a user
    visits between a page in category X and a page in category

    1. MR对复杂查询有限制(Limitations of MapReduce for Complex Queries):
      1. MR在本地磁盘保存中间文件(为了容错),临时结果需要存到hdfs
      2. hadoop不感知并行job之间的关联
    2. 查询内关联(Intra-query Correlations)
  2. 背景。 很简明扼要的介绍了MR、hive的运行机制。
    说明为什么要做关联识别:MR对中间结果的处理要比DBMS要代价高很多,所以将多个操作集中在一个MR中效率高。 the way of executing multiple
    operations in a single job (many-to-one), if possible, could be
    a much more effective choice than the one-to-one translation
    1. 关联类型和优化收益Types of Correlations and the Optimization Benefits
      1. 输入关联:Multiple nodes have input correlation
        (IC) if their input relation sets are not disjoint
      2. 转换关联Transit Correlation: Multiple nodes have transit correlation
        (TC) if they have not only input correlation, but
        also the same partition key;
      3. 流程关联。Job Flow Correlation: A node has job flow correlation
        (JFC) with one of its child nodes if it has the same
        partition key as that child node
        1. 带group的聚合。An aggregation node with grouping can be directly
          executed in the reduce function of its only child node;
        2. A join node J1 has job flow correlation with only one
          of its child nodes C1. Thus as long as the job of another
          child node of this join node C2 has been completed, a
          single job is sufficient to execute both C1 and J1
        3. A join node J1 has job flow correlation with two child
          nodes C1 and C2. Then, according to the correlation
          definitions, C1 and C2 must have both input correlation
          and transit correlation. Thus a single job is sufficient to
          execute both C1 and C2. Besides, J1 can also be directly
          executed in the reduce phase of the job
    2. An Example of Correlation Query and Its Optimization

    1. Primitive Job Types,4中原生操作类型:
      1. 选择和投影。A SELECTION-PROJECTION (SP) Job is used to execute
        a simple query with only selection and projection
        operations on a base relation
      2. 聚合。An AGGREGATION (AGG) job is used to execute
        aggregation and grouping on an input relation
      3. 关联合并。A JOIN job is used to execute an equi-join (inner or
        left/right/full outer) of two input relations;
      4. 排序。A SORT job is used to execute a sorting operation.
    2. Job Merging job合并
      1. rule 1:如果两个job有输入关联和转换关联,将被合并。If two jobs have input correlation and transit
        correlation, they will be merged into a common job.
      2. Rule 2: 一个聚合job如果仅与它前面的一个job有流程关联,那该聚合job可以合并到前面job的reduce中。An AGGREGATION job that has job flow correlation
        with its only preceding job will be merged into this
        preceding job.
      3. Rule 3:  如果一个join job与它前面的两个job有输入关联,这个join job可以合并。For a JOIN job with job flow correlation with its
        two preceding jobs, the join operation will be merged into the
        reduce phase of the common job。 In this case, there must be
        transit correlation between the two preceding jobs, and the two
        jobs have been merged into a common job in the first step.
        Based on this, the join operation can be put into the reduce
        phase of the common job
      4. Rule 4: For a JOIN job that has job flow correlation with
        only one of its two preceding jobs, merge the JOIN job with
        the preceding job with job flow correlation – which has to be
        executed later than the other one.
    3. An Example of Job Merging
      We assume that 1) JOIN1 and AGG2 have input correlation and transit correlation, 2) JOIN2 has
      job flow correlation with JOIN1 but not AGG1, and 3) JOIN3
      has job flow correlation with both JOIN2 and AGG2. In the
      figure, we show the job number for each node.

      后续遍历执行计划,得到job序列:{J1, J2, J3, J4, J5}. 执行rule 1 得到{J1+4, J2, J3, J5}. 执行其他规则得到{J1+4, J2, J3+5}. -》s {J2, J1+4+3+5}
    1. The first requirement is to provide a flexible framework
      to allow different types of MapReduce jobs
    2. The second requirement is to execute multiple merged jobs
      in a common job with minimal overhead
    • CMF提供合并两个关联job的通用模板。CMF provides a general template based approach to generate
      a common job that can merge a collection of correlated
      jobs。The template has the following structures. The common
      executes operations (selection and/or projection
      operations) involved in the map functions of merged jobs.
      The common reducer executes all the operations (e.g. join or
      aggregation) involved in the reduce functions of merged jobs.
      The post-job computation is a subcomponent in the common
      reducer to execute further computations on the outputs of
      merged jobs.
    1. Common Mapper
      读取一行数据,然后产生key-value给所有的被合并的job。由于不同的被合并的job有不同的选择条件,所有common mapper需要记录job对应哪些数据。
      1. 投影信息被保存在job级别的配置属性中;
      2. 每个值都有一个tag指明哪个reduce会用到这个值。(记录不使用这个值的job id)
    2. Common Reducer and Post-job Computations
      common reduce不限制他能实现的功能。它读一些列key-value,按投影信息分配给所有的被合并的reducer(这些reducer有三个接口)
      1)init; 2) next 处理每个值;3)final 计算所有值
      common reducer输出结果到hdfs,并且外加一个tag指明这个结果来自哪个源。
  7. 负载分析。Workloads and Analysis


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