


$like\space this:$





#define R register int
using namespace std;
#define ull unsigned long long
#define ll long long
#define pause (for(R i=1;i<=10000000000;++i))
#define IN freopen("NOIPAK++.in","r",stdin)
#define OUT freopen("out.out","w",stdout)
namespace Fread {
static char B[<<],*S=B,*D=B;
#ifndef JACK
#define getchar() (S==D&&(D=(S=B)+fread(B,1,1<<15,stdin),S==D)?EOF:*S++)
inline int g() {
R ret=,fix=; register char ch; while(!isdigit(ch=getchar())) fix=ch=='-'?-:fix;
if(ch==EOF) return EOF; do ret=ret*+(ch^); while(isdigit(ch=getchar())); return ret*fix;
} inline bool isempty(const char& ch) {return (ch<=||ch>=);}
inline void gs(char* s) {
register char ch; while(isempty(ch=getchar()));
do *s++=ch; while(!isempty(ch=getchar()));
}using Fread::g; using Fread::gs;
const int N=,B=;
int ch[N][];
#define ls ch[u][0]
#define rs ch[u][1]
int n,w[N],sz[N],d[N],ans,mxd;
ull h1[N],h2[N],p[N],tmp;
inline void dfs1(int u) { mxd=max(d[u],mxd);
if(~ls) d[ls]=d[u]+,dfs1(ls); if(~rs) d[rs]=d[u]+,dfs1(rs);
inline void dfs(int u) {sz[u]=;
if(~ls) dfs(ls),sz[u]+=sz[ls]; if(~rs) dfs(rs),sz[u]+=sz[rs];
if(~ls&&~rs&&sz[ls]==sz[rs]&&h1[ls]==h2[rs]&&h2[ls]==h1[rs]) ans=max(ans,sz[u]);
if(!~ls&&!~rs) h1[u]=h2[u]=w[u],ans=max(ans,); else if(~ls&&!~rs) h1[u]=h1[ls]*p[d[u]]+w[u]*(p[d[u]]-),h2[u]=h2[ls]+w[u]*(p[d[u]]-);
else if(!~ls&&~rs) h1[u]=w[u]*(p[d[u]]-)+h1[rs],h2[u]=w[u]*(p[d[u]]-)+h2[rs]*p[d[u]];
else h1[u]=h1[ls]*p[d[u]]+w[u]*(p[d[u]]-)+h1[rs],h2[u]=h2[ls]+w[u]*(p[d[u]]-)+h2[rs]*p[d[u]];
signed main() {
#ifdef JACK
n=g(); for(R i=;i<=n;++i) w[i]=g(); for(R u=;u<=n;++u) ls=g(),rs=g();
d[]=; dfs1();
for(R i=;i<=n;++i) d[i]=mxd-d[i]; p[]=; tmp=p[]=B; for(R i=;i<=mxd;++i) p[i+]=(tmp*=tmp);
dfs(); printf("%d\n",ans);



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