



Pegasus Imaging     Pegasus Imaging - Commercial supplier of standards-based and indemnified .NET, ActiveX/COM, & C/C++ imaging libraries for JPEG, lossless JPEG, Motion JPEG, JPEG 2000 (including JPIP), JBIG2, JPEG-LS
LuraTech Luratech - JPEG 2000 software and toolkits (C, C++, Java) for JP2, JPX and JPM
THB THBImage Professional image processing component which adds JPEG2000 to .NET, VB, COMable, C++, and MFC applications.
Yakoa Range of software to support JPEG 2000 including SDK
J2000 Open source C implementation of JPEG 2000
OpenJPEG Open Source C implementation of JPEG2000 codec and JPEG2000 part 9 (JPIP)
Optimidata SDK for imaging applications including JPEG 2000 support
Kodak Kodak has a new client/server suite called Image Access Solutions for conversion, dissemination, and viewing of JPEG 2000 imagery
Aware Aware JPEG 2000 Codec SDK and Embedded Development Package
Kakadu JPEG 2000 software from one of the standards developers
Morgan JPEG 2000 codec, browser plugin and motion JPEG 2000 codec
Accusoft SDK for imaging including JPEG, JBIG2 and JPEG 2000 standards


1. Kakadu

Welcome to Kakadu Software

the world’s leading JPEG2000 developer toolkit

Kakadu is a complete implementation of the JPEG2000 standard, Part 1, – i.e., ISO/IEC 15444-1 – plus a great deal of Parts 2 and 3.

The Kakadu software framework provides a solid foundation for a range of commercial and non-commercial applications.

We have a range of license options to suit everyone… commercial and non-commercial, large and small. Follow these links for everything you need…

2. LuraTech

JP2 Conversion Solutions

LuraTech’s JP2 Implementation tools include command line tools and software development kits that enable users to implement JPEG2000 into their applications and workflow. Our solutions support the LuraWave JP2 Image Content Server and can be woven into other applications to ensure JPEG2000 compliance.

Command Line Tool: A shell executed program for compressing and converting images to JPEG2000 file format.

Software Development Kit: Designed for C-, .NET and Java, these tools enable developers to easily integrate JPEG2000 compression and decompression algorithms into their applications.

3. Glance-THB Image

似乎使用的也是 LuraTech

4. Jasper

The JasPer Project is an open-source initiative to provide a free software-based reference implementation of the codec specified in the JPEG-2000 Part-1 standard (i.e., ISO/IEC 15444-1). This project was started as a collaborative effort between Image Power, Inc. and the University of British Columbia. Presently, the ongoing maintenance and development of the JasPer software is being coordinated by its principal author, Michael Adams, who is affiliated with the Digital Signal Processing Group (DSPG) in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Victoria.

JasPer includes a software-based implementation of the codec specified in the JPEG-2000 Part-1 standard (i.e., ISO/IEC 15444-1). The JasPer software is written in the C programming language. More details about this software can be found in the JasPer Software Reference Manual.

The JasPer software has been included in the JPEG-2000 Part-5 standard (i.e., ISO/IEC 15444-5), as an official reference implementation of the JPEG-2000 Part-1 codec. This software has also been incorporated into numerous other software projects (some commercial and some non-commercial). Some projects known to use JasPer include:

* K Desktop Environment (as of version 3.2)
* Kopete
* Ghostscript

…. 很多,不再列举了

5. Vampyre

JPEG 2000 is a wavelet-based image compression standard. It was created by the Joint Photographic Experts Group committee as a replacement for their own DCT based JPEG standard. JPEG 2000 can operate at higher compression ratios without generating ‘blocky and blurry’ artifacts of the older JPEG standard. Nowadays JPEG 2000 is not as widely supported as its predecessor. Common file name extensions are .jp2, .j2c, and .j2k (for code stream only).

As of version 0.24.2 Imaging uses OpenJPEG library compiled to object files (Delphi) or static libraries (FPC) and linked to Object Pascal program. Therefore, JPEG 2000 support is not a part of core library (not native Pascal) now and is located in Extras package. Currently Imaging supports JPEG 2000 on Win32 (for Delphi and FPC) and Linux systems (FPC only - no Kylix support). For Linux there are precompiled objects for x86 and x86_64 architectures.

JPEG 2000 supports wide variety of data formats. You can have arbitrary number of components/channels, each with different bitdepth and optional “signedness”. JPEG 2000 images can be lossy or lossless compressed. Imaging can load most data formats (except multichannel images with component bitdepth > 16 => no Imaging data format equivalents). Components with sample separation are loaded correctly, ICC profiles or palettes are not used, YCbCr images are translated to RGB.

摘自JPEG 2000 File Format Support

2015-10-14 艺少


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