<!--根据实体参数查询 -->
<select id="selectBaseList" resultType="java.util.HashMap">
from ${map.tableName}
where 1=1
<foreach collection="map" index="key" item="value">
test="key != 'tableName' and key != 'pageSize' and key != 'pageNo' ">
and `${key}` = #{value}
limit #{baseModel.fromRec},#{baseModel.pageSize}
</select> <!--根据实体参数查询个数 -->
<select id="selectBaseCount" resultType="java.lang.Integer">
from ${map.tableName}
where 1=1
<foreach collection="map" index="key" item="value">
test="key != 'tableName' and key != 'pageSize' and key != 'pageNo' ">
and `${key}` = #{value}
</select> <insert id="insertBase" parameterType="java.util.HashMap">
insert into ${map.tableName}
<foreach collection="map" index="key" item="value"
<if test="key != 'tableName' ">
values (
<foreach collection="map" index="key" item="value"
<if test="key != 'tableName' ">
<update id="updateBaseByPrimaryKey">
update ${map.tableName}
<foreach collection="map" index="key" item="value"
<if test="key != 'tableName' ">
`${key}`= #{value}
where id = #{map.id}


import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map; import org.apache.ibatis.annotations.Param; public interface BaseDao {
int insertBase(@Param("map") Map map); Map selectBaseByPrimaryKey(Long id); int updateBaseByPrimaryKey(@Param("map") Map map ); List<Map> selectBaseList(@Param("map") Map map, @Param("baseModel") BaseModel baseModel); int selectBaseCount(@Param("map") Map map); }


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