










当然,这并不只在“Application received signal SIGSEGV (null)”这种情况下才发生,这时怎么办呢?不要捉急,少年请看这里: 解析iOS崩溃日志(crash Log)



At last

最后感谢 answer-huang 和 裂云野 的博文分享。



  首先看一些这些线上app crash 信息:

* Application received signal SIGSEGV
* Application received signal SIGBUS
* -[__NSArrayM objectAtIndex:]: index 4294967295 beyond bounds for empty array
* -[JKArray objectAtIndex:]: index (0) beyond bounds (0)

SIGSEGV和SIGBUS一般是因为访问已被释放的内存或者调用不存在的方法导致的,余下两个就是数组越界的问题了 这些你都知道的,然后来看看具体的log信息:

Application received signal SIGSEGV

Application received signal SIGSEGV
0 CoreFoundation 0x32f1c3ff + 186
1 libobjc.A.dylib 0x3ac17963 objc_exception_throw + 30
2 CoreFoundation 0x32f1c307 + 106
3 appname 0x14e1e1 appname + 1364449
4 libsystem_c.dylib 0x3b08bd33 _sigtramp + 34
5 appname 0x97525 appname + 615717
6 CoreFoundation 0x32e6d349 _CFXNotificationPost + 1420
7 Foundation 0x337879cd + 168
8 Foundation 0x337876c1 + 136
9 appname 0x96f2f appname + 614191
10 Foundation 0x33858915 + 16
11 Foundation 0x33798769 + 200
12 Foundation 0x33798685 + 60
13 CFNetwork 0x32bf964f + 26
14 CFNetwork 0x32bf8d33 + 54
15 CFNetwork 0x32c21013 + 18
16 CoreFoundation 0x32e62acd CFArrayApplyFunction + 176
17 CFNetwork 0x32c21473 + 74
18 CFNetwork 0x32b85461 + 188
19 CoreFoundation 0x32ef18f7 + 14
20 CoreFoundation 0x32ef115d + 212
21 CoreFoundation 0x32eeff2f + 646
22 CoreFoundation 0x32e6323d CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 356
23 CoreFoundation 0x32e630c9 CFRunLoopRunInMode + 104
24 GraphicsServices 0x36a4233b GSEventRunModal + 74
25 UIKit 0x34d7f2b9 UIApplicationMain + 1120
26 appname 0xf3df appname + 58335
27 appname 0x3578 appname + 9592
) dSYM UUID: 365EF56E-D598-3B94-AD36-BFA13772A4E3
CPU Type: armv7s
Slide Address: 0x00001000
Binary Image: appname
Base Address: 0x000f7000

–[__NSArrayM objectAtIndex:]: index 4294967295 beyond bounds for empty array

*** -[__NSArrayM objectAtIndex:]: index 4294967295 beyond bounds for empty array
0 CoreFoundation 0x330dc3ff + 186
1 libobjc.A.dylib 0x3add7963 objc_exception_throw + 30
2 CoreFoundation 0x33027ef9 + 164
3 appname 0xcbcaf appname + 830639
4 appname 0x40bc1 appname + 261057
5 appname 0x3d297 appname + 246423
6 UIKit 0x34f36569 + 408
7 UIKit 0x34f1b391 + 1316
8 UIKit 0x34f32827 + 206
9 UIKit 0x34eee8c7 + 258
10 QuartzCore 0x34c9a513 + 214
11 QuartzCore 0x34c9a0b5 + 460
12 QuartzCore 0x34c9afd9 + 16
13 QuartzCore 0x34c9a9c3 + 238
14 QuartzCore 0x34c9a7d5 + 316
15 QuartzCore 0x34c9a639 + 60
16 CoreFoundation 0x330b1941 + 20
17 CoreFoundation 0x330afc39 + 276
18 CoreFoundation 0x330aff93 + 746
19 CoreFoundation 0x3302323d CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 356
20 CoreFoundation 0x330230c9 CFRunLoopRunInMode + 104
21 GraphicsServices 0x36c0233b GSEventRunModal + 74
22 UIKit 0x34f3f2b9 UIApplicationMain + 1120
23 appname 0xf3df appname + 58335
24 appname 0x3578 appname + 9592
) dSYM UUID: 365EF56E-D598-3B94-AD36-BFA13772A4E3
CPU Type: armv7s
Slide Address: 0x00001000
Binary Image: appname
Base Address: 0x000c3000

好了,相信你也看出来了,这些具体的crash log 什么都看不出来,都是一些内存地址,帧调用栈等,所以需要进一步的解析,看下文:

看一下上面的crash log,找到一句

5   appname                            0x97525 appname + 615717

它指出了应用名称,崩溃时的调用方法的地址,文件的地址以及方法所在的行的位置(具体请看这篇文章),接下来就要符号化(Symbolication)这句,用dwarfdump来检测crash log中dSYM UUID和本地的dSYM文件是否匹配


cd /Users/username/Library/Developer/Xcode/Archives/2013-08-30/app 8-30-13 6.19 PM.xcarchive/dSYMs
dwarfdump --uuid
UUID: 9F0AEFA6-4349-30AF-8420-BCEE739DA0B4 (armv7)
UUID: 365EF56E-D598-3B94-AD36-BFA13772A4E3 (armv7s)

OK,crash log中的dSYM UUID与本地的dYSM文件是相匹配的。好接下来就查一下0x97525这个地址是什么,

dwarfdump --arch=armv7 --lookup 0x97525  /Users/username/Library/Developer/Xcode/Archives/2013-08-30/appname\ 8-30-13\ 6.19\ PM.xcarchive/dSYMs/


File: /Users/username/Library/Developer/Xcode/ Archives/2013-08-30/appname 8-30-13 6.19 PM.xcarchive/dSYMs/ Resources/DWARF/appname (armv7)
Looking up address: 0x0000000000097525 in .debug_info... found! 0x00359c67: Compile Unit: length = 0x000066f1 version = 0x0002 abbr_offset = 0x00000000 addr_size = 0x04 (next CU at 0x0036035c) 0x00359c72: TAG_compile_unit [1] *
AT_producer( "Apple LLVM version 4.2 (clang-425.0.28) (based on LLVM 3.2svn)" )
AT_language( DW_LANG_ObjC )
AT_name( "xxx/EGOImageView.m" )
AT_low_pc( 0x0009710c )
AT_stmt_list( 0x000655c1 )
AT_comp_dir( "xxx" )
AT_APPLE_optimized( 0x01 )
AT_APPLE_major_runtime_vers( 0x02 ) 0x00359e57: TAG_subprogram [10] *
AT_name( "-[EGOImageView imageLoaderDidFailToLoad:]" )
AT_decl_file( "xxx/EGOImageView.m" )
AT_decl_line( 96 )
AT_prototyped( 0x01 )
AT_APPLE_isa( 0x01 )
AT_low_pc( 0x00097490 )
AT_high_pc( 0x00097572 )
AT_frame_base( r7 )
AT_object_pointer( {0x00359e6e} )
Line table dir : 'xxx'
Line table file: 'EGOImageView.m' line 99, column 2 with start address 0x00000000000974fe Looking up address: 0x0000000000097525 in .debug_frame... found! 0x0000c620: FDE
length: 0x0000000c
CIE_pointer: 0x00000000
start_addr: 0x00097490 -[EGOImageView imageLoaderDidFailToLoad:]
range_size: 0x000000e2 (end_addr = 0x00097572)
Instructions: 0x00097490: CFA=4294967295+4294967295

看一下结果:发现有AT_name、Line table dir :、Line table file:,aha!找到了出错的地方(出错的这个文件是网上别人写的,有bug,现已不再使用)。

注意:如果发现warning: unsupported file type:错误,这个问题是因为有文件或者目录的名称中包含空格,比如:2013-08-30/appname 8-30-13 6.19 ,所以,需要转义一下:2013-08-30/appname\ 8-30-13\ 6.19\ PM.xcarchive




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