
Create a timebased key-value store class TimeMap, that supports two operations.

1. set(string key, string value, int timestamp)

  • Stores the key and value, along with the given timestamp.

2. get(string key, int timestamp)

  • Returns a value such that set(key, value, timestamp_prev) was called previously, with timestamp_prev <= timestamp.
  • If there are multiple such values, it returns the one with the largest timestamp_prev.
  • If there are no values, it returns the empty string ("").

Example 1:

Input: inputs = ["TimeMap","set","get","get","set","get","get"], inputs = [[],["foo","bar",1],["foo",1],["foo",3],
Output: [null,null,"bar","bar",null,"bar2","bar2"]
TimeMap kv;  
kv.set("foo", "bar", 1); // store the key "foo" and value "bar" along with timestamp = 1  
kv.get("foo", 1); // output "bar"  
kv.get("foo", 3); // output "bar" since there is no value corresponding to foo at timestamp 3 and timestamp 2,
//then the only value is at timestamp 1 ie "bar"  
kv.set("foo", "bar2", 4);  
kv.get("foo", 4); // output "bar2"  
kv.get("foo", 5); //output "bar2"  

Example 2:

Input: inputs = ["TimeMap","set","set","get","get","get","get","get"], inputs = [[],["love","high",10],["love","low",20],
Output: [null,null,null,"","high","high","low","low"]


  1. All key/value strings are lowercase.
  2. All key/value strings have length in the range [1, 100]
  3. The timestamps for all TimeMap.set operations are strictly increasing.
  4. 1 <= timestamp <= 10^7
  5. TimeMap.set and TimeMap.get functions will be called a total of 120000 times (combined) per test case.

解题思路:我用了两个字典,一个是dic_timestamp,以timestamp为key,value作为val;第二个是dic[val] = [timestamp],对于val相同的timestamp以升序排列的方式保存在val对应的list中。由于set操作的timestamp是递增的,所以在set的时候只需要把timestamp插入到div[val]的最后即可;对于get操作,采用二分查找的方法找出最大的小于timestamp的历史timestamp。但是二分查找的方法会timeout,后来我发现get操作的timestamp也是递增的,但是题目没有说明,所以改进代码在get操作之后删除掉小于timestamp的所有历史数据。


class TimeMap(object):

    def __init__(self):
Initialize your data structure here.
self.dic_timestamp = {}
self.dic = {} def set(self, key, value, timestamp):
:type key: str
:type value: str
:type timestamp: int
:rtype: None
self.dic[key] = self.dic.setdefault(key,[]) + [timestamp]
self.dic_timestamp[timestamp] = value def get(self, key, timestamp):
:type key: str
:type timestamp: int
:rtype: str
import bisect
if key not in self.dic or len(self.dic[key]) == 0 or timestamp < self.dic[key][0]:
return ''
elif timestamp >= self.dic[key][-1]:
v = self.dic[key][-1]
self.dic[key] = [self.dic[key][-1]]
return self.dic_timestamp[v]
v = bisect.bisect_left(self.dic[key], timestamp)
inx = bisect.bisect_left(self.dic[key], timestamp)
if inx == len(self.dic[key]) or timestamp != self.dic[key][inx]:
inx -= 1
v = self.dic[key][inx]
self.dic[key] = self.dic[key][inx:]
return self.dic_timestamp[v]


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