1. jdbc 驱动名还是数据库

String driver = "com.mysql.jdbc.Driver";
String url = "jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/sqltestdb" 2.
String user = "root";
String password = "123456";
try {
24 //加载驱动程序
25 Class.forName(driver);
26 //1.getConnection()方法,连接MySQL数据库!!
27 con = DriverManager.getConnection(url,user,password);
28 if(!con.isClosed())
29 System.out.println("Succeeded connecting to the Database!");
30 //2.创建statement类对象,用来执行SQL语句!!
31 Statement statement = con.createStatement();
32 //要执行的SQL语句
33 String sql = "select * from emp";
34 //3.ResultSet类,用来存放获取的结果集!!
35 ResultSet rs = statement.executeQuery(sql);
36 System.out.println("-----------------");
37 System.out.println("执行结果如下所示:");
38 System.out.println("-----------------");
39 System.out.println("姓名" + "\t" + "职称");
40 System.out.println("-----------------");
42 String job = null;
43 String id = null;
44 while(rs.next()){
45 //获取stuname这列数据
46 job = rs.getString("job");
47 //获取stuid这列数据
48 id = rs.getString("ename");
50 //输出结果
51 System.out.println(id + "\t" + job);
52 }
53 rs.close();
54 con.close();
55 } catch(ClassNotFoundException e) {
56 //数据库驱动类异常处理
57 System.out.println("Sorry,can`t find the Driver!");
58 e.printStackTrace();
59 } catch(SQLException e) {
60 //数据库连接失败异常处理
61 e.printStackTrace();
62 }catch (Exception e) {
63 // TODO: handle exception
64 e.printStackTrace();
65 }finally{
66 System.out.println("数据库数据成功获取!!");
67 }
68 }
70 }


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