from urllib import request
import re
import os
def main():
#page=request.urlopen("" )
# "")
page = request.urlopen("")'utf-8')
count = 0; # 文件的起始名称为 0
for url in pic:
bytes = request.urlopen(url);
if (url.find('.') != -1): # 2
name =url[url.find('.', len(url) - 5):];
f = open("D:/image/" + str(count) + name, 'wb'); # 代开一个文件,准备以二进制写入文件
f.write(; # write并不是直接将数据写入文件,而是先写入内存中特定的缓冲区
f.flush(); # 将缓冲区的数据立即写入缓冲区,并清空缓冲区
f.close(); # 关闭文件
count += 1;
if __name__ == '__main__':


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