离开工控行业已经有一段时间了,最近回忆起以前的工作,又对 PID 算法有了兴趣。所以写了一个小项目,希望可以帮到需要的人,也算是对那段工作经历的一个总结。

这是一个 winform 的项目。负载是一个水箱,有一个进水口,一个出水口。设定值为液位,通过控制进水口的阀门开度使液位达到设定值,传感器的滞后时间为10秒。每秒执行一次 PID 算法(对于运动控制的项目需要将采样时间调低)。


左图采用原生 PID 调节,右图采用积分分离后的 PID 调节(在误差小于一定值的情况下积分才开始累积)。可以看出积分分离可以有效的抑制超调量,但是会增加调节时间。


在分配 PID 的各项参数时,除了使用 “自动控制理论” 中计算传递函数,还可以通过试凑的方法。先确定比例的大致范围,再加入积分。加入积分时,需要先将积分值调到很大(积分值大表示效果较弱),再慢慢降低。


label : lblInfo1(用于显示超调)lblInfo2(用于显示调节时间)

button:btnStart(开始普通 PID 算法)btnStart2(开始改进型 PID 算法)(主要采用积分分离算法)


panel:panel2(用于绘图显示 PID 调节过程)


using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Windows.Forms; namespace PID
public partial class Form1 : Form
PID frmPid;
Box frmBox;
const int yBase = ;
const int yMul = ;
const int xMul = ;
int time = ;//上次采样时间 时间为秒
Point lastPoint;
decimal maxLevel = ;//最大值用于求超调
public Form1()
frmPid = new PID();
frmBox = new Box(, 0.3m, 0.1m, 0m, 0.5m);
private void Init()
using (Graphics g = panel2.CreateGraphics())
Pen whitePen = new Pen(Brushes.White, );
Point point1 = new Point(, );
Point point2 = new Point(, );
g.DrawLine(whitePen, point1, point2);
maxLevel = ;
time = ;
lastPoint = new Point(, yBase);
private void btnStart_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
} private void btnStart2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
} /// <summary>
/// 开始
/// </summary>
/// <param name="number">0使用普通pi调节,1使用改进pi调节</param>
private void Start(int number)
frmPid.Init(0.8m, numP.Value, numI.Value, , );
Pen bluePen = new Pen(Brushes.Blue, );
using (Graphics g = panel2.CreateGraphics())
Point point1 = new Point(, yBase - Convert.ToInt32(frmPid.Target * ) * yMul);
Point point2 = new Point(, yBase - Convert.ToInt32(frmPid.Target * ) * yMul);
g.DrawLine(bluePen, point1, point2);
bool complete = false;
for (int i = ; i < ; i++)
Pen blackPen = new Pen(Brushes.Black, );
using (Graphics g = panel2.CreateGraphics())
Point point = new Point(time * xMul, yBase - Convert.ToInt32(frmBox.GetLevel() * ) * yMul);
g.DrawLine(blackPen, point, lastPoint);
lastPoint = point;
decimal degreeIn = frmPid.GetOutPutValue(frmBox.GetLevel(), number);
} if (frmBox.GetLevel() > maxLevel)
maxLevel = frmBox.GetLevel();
if ((Math.Abs(frmBox.GetLevel() - frmPid.Target) / frmPid.Target < 0.01m) && (!complete))
complete = true;
lblInfo2.Text = "调节时间:" + time;
decimal up = ;
if (maxLevel > frmPid.Target)
up = (maxLevel - frmPid.Target) / frmPid.Target;
lblInfo1.Text = "超调:" + up.ToString("0.000");
} public class Box
private List<decimal> levelList;
private decimal area; //底面积 平方米
private decimal maxFlowOut = 0.05m; //出水阀最大流量立方每秒
private decimal maxFlowIn = 0.1m; //进水阀最大流量 立方每秒
private decimal degreeIn; //进水阀开度
private decimal degreeOut; //出水阀开度 /// <summary>
/// 构造函数
/// </summary>
/// <param name="area">底面积</param>
/// <param name="maxFlowIn">进水阀最大流量 立方每秒</param>
/// <param name="maxFlowOut">出水阀最大流量立方每秒</param>
/// <param name="degreeIn">进水阀开度</param>
/// <param name="degreeOut">出水阀开度</param>
public Box(decimal area, decimal maxFlowIn, decimal maxFlowOut, decimal degreeIn, decimal degreeOut)
this.area = area;
this.maxFlowOut = maxFlowOut;
this.maxFlowIn = maxFlowIn;
this.degreeIn = degreeIn;
this.degreeOut = degreeOut;
this.levelList = new List<decimal>();
public void Init()
this.levelList = new List<decimal>();
private decimal GetActualLevel()
return this.levelList[this.levelList.Count - ];
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
public void ChangeLevel()
decimal myflow = this.degreeIn * this.maxFlowIn - this.degreeOut * this.maxFlowOut;//增加的流量
decimal level = this.GetActualLevel() + myflow / this.area;//新的液位
if (level < )
level = ;
if (level > )
level = ;
while (this.levelList.Count > )
} public decimal GetLevel()
return this.levelList[];
} /// <summary>
/// 改变进水阀开度
/// </summary>
public void ChangeDegreeIn(decimal degreeIn)
this.degreeIn = degreeIn;
} /// <summary>
/// PID控制类
/// </summary>
public class PID
/// <summary>
/// 积分累计值
/// </summary>
public decimal IntegralValue { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// 设定值
/// </summary>
public decimal Target { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// 比例
/// </summary>
public decimal P { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// 积分
/// </summary>
public decimal I { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// 输出限幅
/// </summary>
private decimal MinOutPut { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// 输出限幅
/// </summary>
private decimal MaxOutPut { get; set; } public void Init(decimal target, decimal p, decimal i, decimal minOutput, decimal maxOutput)
this.Target = target;
this.P = p;
this.I = i;
IntegralValue = ;
if (minOutput > maxOutput)
throw new Exception("下限幅不能大于上限幅");
this.MinOutPut = minOutput;
this.MaxOutPut = maxOutput;
} /// <summary>
/// 获得输出值
/// </summary>
/// <param name="feedBack">反馈值</param>
/// <param name="number">0普通算法,1改进后的算法</param>
/// <returns></returns>
public decimal GetOutPutValue(decimal feedBack, int number)
decimal error = this.Target - feedBack;
if (this.I > )
if (number == )
this.IntegralValue += error / this.I;
if ((Math.Abs(error) < 0.5m))
this.IntegralValue += error / this.I;
decimal output = error * this.P + this.IntegralValue;
if (output < this.MinOutPut)
return this.MinOutPut;
if (output > this.MaxOutPut)
return this.MaxOutPut;
return output;


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