Do you ever feel like you're in over your head and at any moment you're going to burst? You're not alone. As humans, we overanalyze and dramatize. It's not to stop our negative thoughts from flooding thought, especially during hard times, but it's also impossible. Here are three ways you can stop you pesional insanity.

Meditation. The practive of meditation ha been around for centuries, and for good reason. When you feel like you have 50 differet thought your head every 60 seconds: Meditate. Sit comfortably, close your eyes and repeat a simple mantra. Keep it short and sweet, especially when you're feeling stressed. For example, you can repeat "relax" or "breathe", or even just start counting. You're literally traning your mind to sustain single-pointed concentration, which helps you prioritize your thoughts...and life.

Move your Body. Whether you like vigorous exercise or something more low-key, your body craves movement. Exercise with strong breath control and a little bit of sweat helps you release tension while embracing positivity and self-worth.

Be Honest With Yourself. This sounds obvious and simple, doesn't it? It's one of the hardest thing to do. We're always influenced by the people and media aroun us; it's easy to lose yourself in the chaos. At the end of the day, always come back to what you to do and don'  be be scared to run away from the crowd.


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