






CRedDragon01 = Press any key to change background color

CRedDragon02 = Draw Rotating Cube And Grid

CRedDragon03 = Draw 5 ID3DXMesh

CRedDragon04 = Draw Rotating Teapot

CRedDragon05 = Draw One Triangle

CRedDragon06 = Draw Two Color Triangles

CRedDragon07 = Directional Light

CRedDragon08 = Light Pyramid

CRedDragon09 = Spot Light

CRedDragon10 = Point Light

CRedDragon11 = Texture Address Modes

CRedDragon12 = Texture Cube

CRedDragon13 = Texture Quad

CRedDragon14 = Texture Alpha

CRedDragon15 = Material Alpha

CRedDragon16 = Demonstrates mirrors with stencils

CRedDragon17 = Demonstrates shadows with stencils

CRedDragon18 = Demonstrates mirrors and shadows with stencils

CRedDragon19 = Render text with the ID3DXFont interface

CRedDragon20 = Render text with the CD3DFont class

CRedDragon21 = Create and render 3D Text using D3DXCreateText

CRedDragon22 = Create an empty ID3DXMesh object with D3DXCreateMeshFVF and fill it

CRedDragon23 = Demonstrates how to load and render an XFile

CRedDragon24 = Demonstrates how to use the progressive mesh interface (ID3DXPMesh)

CRedDragon25 = Demonstrates how to use D3DXComputeBoundingSphere and D3DXComputeBoundingBox

CRedDragon26 = Demonstrates using the Camera class

CRedDragon27 = Renders a terrain and allows you to walk around it

CRedDragon28 = Demonstrates the PSystem::Snow system

CRedDragon29 = Demonstrates the PSystem::Firework system

CRedDragon30 = Demonstrates the PSystem::ParticleGun system

CRedDragon31 = Demonstrates picking

CRedDragon32 = Transforming by the view project matrices and setting the vertex color using a vertex shader

CRedDragon33 = Demonstrates diffuse lighting using a vertex shader

CRedDragon34 = Demonstrates toon rendering using a vertex shader

CRedDragon35 = Demonstrates toon rendering with silhouette edges outlined using a vertex shader

CRedDragon36 = Demonstrates multi-texturing using a pixel shader

CRedDragon37 = Demonstrates using an effect file to light and texture a 3D model

CRedDragon38 = Demonstrates fog using an effect file

CRedDragon39 = Demonstrates toon rendering using a vertex shader in an effect file

CFlyingHelper = Flying Helper: Tell you how to create a demo

CFlying01 = Test YicPrimitive2DRender and draw some 2D graph


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