Becoming inspired - The 11 questions to ask yourself when you feel uninspired

@ Advanced Studio Classroom
Vol: 2017 MARCH 24

Maybe you're struggling to find out what it is you care most about.

  • Be struggling to..
  • To find out + what it is you care most about
    • What is it that you care most about?
    • What do you care about?

Maybe you feel as if your passion, excitement, and zest for life are slipping away.

zest: enthusiasm, eagerness, energy and interest

  • as if
  • slip away

These questions can help you pinpoint exactly what it is that inspires you.

  • pinpoint: to discover or describe the exact facts about something

1.If money were no object, what would I do all day?

Work that you would do for free strongly implies what activities you enjoy most and what probably comes pretty easily to you.

  • In "if money were no object", the verb "were" is in the subjunctive.
  • do ** for free
  • come pretty easily to sb. -> easy to use/play

2.If I could be anyone for a week, who would it be?
Who we admire is a huge indicator of who we secretly wound like to become.

  • An indicator of…
  • secretly wound like to become sb.

3.What conversation topic can I get lost in for hours?

Your most dominant chat topics are a vital sign of what excites you.

  • one's dominant chat topics

    • the topics -- sb. be good at / be expert in / be skilled in
  • a vital sign of

4.If I walk in a bookstore, which section am I drawn to?
This also applies to an Amazon search or even your preference for websites and blogs. What types of information do you most love to consume?

  • be drawn to

    • be attracted to
  • love to consume

5.Who do I love to spend time with and why?
Often we are drawn to people who like us! Who are your preferred friends -- the ones who most energize you?

  • I love to spend time with sb./ do sth.
  • Who are the ones that most energize you?

6.If you asked my partner/mother/best friend what I'm best at doing, what would they say?

Let people who you love and trust tell you who you are. It's an eye-opening and fun experiment -- and a confidence boost.

  • Let people (who you love and trust) tell you (who you are)
  • eye-opening

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