
Example to encode VBR MP3 audio with ffmpeg using the libmp3lame library:

ffmpeg -i input.wav -codec:a libmp3lame -qscale:a 2 output.mp3

Control quality with -qscale:a (or the alias -q:a). Values are encoder specific, so for libmp3lame the range is 0-9 where a lower value is a higher quality. 0-3 will normally produce transparent results, 4 (default) should be close to perceptual transparency, and 6 produces an "acceptable" quality. The option -qscale:a is mapped to the -V option in the standalone lame command-line interface tool.

LAME Bitrate Overview
lame option Average kbit/s Bitrate range kbit/s ffmpeg option
-b 320 320 320 CBR (non VBR) example -b:a 320k (NB this is 32KB/s, or its max)
-V 0 245 220-260 -q:a 0 (NB this is VBR from 22 to 26 KB/s)
-V 1 225 190-250 -q:a 1
-V 2 190 170-210 -q:a 2
-V 3 175 150-195 -q:a 3
-V 4 165 140-185 -q:a 4
-V 5 130 120-150 -q:a 5
-V 6 115 100-130 -q:a 6
-V 7 100 80-120 -q:a 7
-V 8 85 70-105 -q:a 8
-V 9 65 45-85 -q:a 9

In our example above, we selected -qscale:a 2, meaning we used LAME's option -V 2, which gives us a VBR MP3 audio stream with an average stereo bitrate of 170-210 kBit/s.


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