








I reinstalled the graphics Drivers (amd), on a hunch (the fuzzy text), wich seems to have solved the problem. for now at least. :-) I believe the trouble startet when i removed a dysfunktional AntiVir Program. why this Problem turned up is beyond me. I can't see the connection. but I don't believe in coincidences.

Edit: 01.May.2016 [download the Specified Driver Install Routines BEFORE fiddling with the System]

1. use amd clean uninstall utility (run as Admin)

2. use for example ccleaner or the like to remove ALL remnants (Registry) Including All Autostart references to ANY Amd startups And delete the AMD Folder "c:\AMD" (in which the Amd Setup Routine extracts)

3. you may have to repeat Step 1 and/or 2. (the amd cleanup Utility sometimes misses stuff).

4. the Crimson Edition 16.4.2 Hotfix (non whql) IS NOT a sure way of getting rid of the Problem ON ALL Systems. Use the Crimson Edition 16.3.2 (which apparently uses the AMD Radeon Software Crimson Edition Display Driver version 16.15.2211)

On Win 10: using the "automaticaly search for updated driver" option from Device Manager, may revert the Driver to (the faulty) whql, which in Turn may bring you back to square one.

to summarize: Clean Install, Running as Administrator, after removing everything as Administrator, Including the AMD driver extraction Folder.


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