
using namespace std; const int maxn = + ;
int n, m;
int a[maxn];
int b[maxn];
int flag[maxn];
int topa, topb; int main()
scanf("%d%d", &n, &m);
memset(a, , sizeof a);
memset(b, , sizeof b);
memset(flag, , sizeof flag);
int num1 = , num2 = , num;
int nowa = , nowb = ;
for (int aa = , i = ; aa < n; i = i + )
if (i % != ) a[i] = , topa = i, aa++;
else nowa = i;
for (int aa = , i = ; aa<m; i = i + )
if (i % != ) b[i] = , topb = i, aa++;
else nowb = i;
while ()
if (nowa == && nowb == ) break;
if (topa>topb)
a[topa] = ; topa--;
while ()
if (b[nowa] == )
a[nowa] = ;
nowa = nowa - ;
while ()
if (a[topa]) break;
nowa = nowa - ;
b[topb] = ; topb--;
while ()
if (a[nowb] == )
b[nowb] = ;
nowb = nowb - ;
while ()
if (b[topb]) break;
nowb = nowb - ;
while ()
if (b[nowa]) nowa = nowa - ;
else break;
while ()
if (a[nowb]) nowb = nowb - ;
else break;
printf("%d\n", max(topa, topb));
return ;


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