一图胜千言, 图中有一条路径path, 沿着路径描了一条宽度为 width 的边, miterLimit 代表的是, 比例 ab/ac, 其中ac的长度为 1/2 width

来看 mdn 上的描述, 进行验证

  • miterLimit = max miterLength / lineWidth = 1 / sin ( min θ / 2 )
  • The default miter limit of 10.0 will strip all miters for sharp angles below about 11 degrees.
  • A miter limit equal to √2 ≈ 1.4142136 (rounded up) will strip miters for all acute angles, keeping miter joins only for obtuse or right angles.
  • A miter limit equal to 1.0 is valid but will disable all miters.
  • Values below 1.0 are invalid for the miter limit.


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