* buildroot 重新编译 package
* 说明:
* 修改了buildroot中的busybox,但不知道要怎么重新编译,记录一下资料。
* 2017-1-16 深圳 南山平山村 曾剑锋
************************************************************************/ 一、参考文档:
. buildroot重新编译package
. Chapter . Understanding how to rebuild packages
http://free-electrons.com/~thomas/buildroot/manual/html/ch05.html 二、操作方法介绍:
For packages relying on Buildroot packages infrastructures (see this section ??? for details), the following stamp files are relevant:
. output/build/packagename-version/.stamp_configured. If removed, Buildroot will trigger the recompilation of the package from the configuration step (execution of ./configure).
. output/build/packagename-version/.stamp_built. If removed, Buildroot will trigger the recompilation of the package from the compilation step (execution of make).


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