ffmpeg下载地址 http://www.ffmpeg.club/

typedef struct AVPacket {
* A reference to the reference-counted buffer where the packet data is
* stored.
* May be NULL, then the packet data is not reference-counted.
AVBufferRef *buf;
* Presentation timestamp in AVStream->time_base units; the time at which
* the decompressed packet will be presented to the user.
* Can be AV_NOPTS_VALUE if it is not stored in the file.
* pts MUST be larger or equal to dts as presentation cannot happen before
* decompression, unless one wants to view hex dumps. Some formats misuse
* the terms dts and pts/cts to mean something different. Such timestamps
* must be converted to true pts/dts before they are stored in AVPacket.
int64_t pts;
* Decompression timestamp in AVStream->time_base units; the time at which
* the packet is decompressed.
* Can be AV_NOPTS_VALUE if it is not stored in the file.
int64_t dts;
uint8_t *data;
int size;
int stream_index;
* A combination of AV_PKT_FLAG values
int flags;
* Additional packet data that can be provided by the container.
* Packet can contain several types of side information.
AVPacketSideData *side_data;
int side_data_elems; /**
* Duration of this packet in AVStream->time_base units, 0 if unknown.
* Equals next_pts - this_pts in presentation order.
int64_t duration; int64_t pos; ///< byte position in stream, -1 if unknown #if FF_API_CONVERGENCE_DURATION
* @deprecated Same as the duration field, but as int64_t. This was required
* for Matroska subtitles, whose duration values could overflow when the
* duration field was still an int.
int64_t convergence_duration;
} AVPacket;


AVBufferRef *buf;
int64_t pts;
AVFormatContext *ic = NULL;
static double r2d(AVRational r)
return r.num == 0 || r.den == 0 ? 0. : (double)r.num / (double)r.den;
int pts = (pkt->pts *r2d(ic->streams[pkt->stream_index]->time_base)) * 1000;
int64_t dts;
uint8_t *data; int size;
int stream_index;
int flags;
AV_PKT_FLAG_KEY 0x0001 关键帧
AVPacketSideData *side_data;
int side_data_elems;
int64_t duration;
下一帧pts - 当前帧pts ,也就表示两帧时间间隔。
int64_t pos;



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