Error 56: The Cisco Systems, Inc. VPN Service has not been started(Cisco VPN在Vista下出现Error 56的解决办法)

 似乎,自从我的Vista自动升级安装了SP1后,我的Cisco VPN就出现问题了,根本就无法运行。总是提示Error 56: The Cisco Systems, Inc. VPN Service has not been started. Please start this service and try again。不知道是啥问题?从控制面板→管理工具里进入服务,发现Cisco Systems, Inc. VPN Service的服务被关闭了,启动后没一分钟又自动关闭了。肯定是与其他某个服务有冲突。一时又找不到原因。这很令人郁闷,特别是出差期间,无法连接到公司的notes处理邮件,很不方便。


Error 56: The Cisco Systems, Inc. VPN Service has not been started

On some systems there is this problem with Cisco VPN service: cvpnd.exe must be excuted before you run theipsecdialer.exe ( the GUI for the client ). But even if you start the service per hand in service.msc, it got killed in a few seconds after thus you can not run the client.

To work around this problem: Uninstall Cisco VPN in Windows Control Panel, then go to regedit and remove all the entries have Cisco term in them. Be careful, back up the registry with built-in export function of regedit first and do not delete somethings like “Franscisco”, ok ? Some entries can not be deleted, it’s normal, just F3 until you reach the end of the registry.

  按文章里说的卸载了VPN,然后手工清除了注册表里的所有的Cisco键值,重启,重安装,再重启。咦,可以运行了。开心没多久,第二天又不行了。再次从控制面板→管理工具里进入服务,还是如前面说的那样。往下滚动了一下,看到有这么一个服务:Internet Connection Sharing (ICS). 这个服务的说明是:为家庭和小型办公网络提供网络地址转换、寻址、名称解析和/或入侵保护服务。试着把这个服务停止,再启动Cisco Systems, Inc. VPN Service服务。隔了一会,F5刷新一下,喔耶,没自动停止。看来干掉VPN服务的罪魁祸首就是这个ICS服务了。或者说他们的启动顺序有问题,先启动了ICS,VPN就不能启动。因为我后面测试过先关掉ICS再启动VPN,然后再开启ICS后俩个服务相安无事。


注1:我的系统是Vista Home Basic,用的VPN是Cisco Systems VPN Client Version



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