Special binary strings are binary strings with the following two properties:

  • The number of 0's is equal to the number of 1's.
  • Every prefix of the binary string has at least as many 1's as 0's.

Given a special string S, a move consists of choosing two consecutive, non-empty, special substrings of S, and swapping them. (Two strings are consecutive if the last character of the first string is exactly one index before the first character of the second string.)

At the end of any number of moves, what is the lexicographically largest resulting string possible?

Example 1:

Input: S = "11011000"
Output: "11100100"
The strings "10" [occuring at S[1]] and "1100" [at S[3]] are swapped.
This is the lexicographically largest string possible after some number of swaps.


  1. S has length at most 50.
  2. S is guaranteed to be a special binary string as defined above.

这道题给了我们一个特殊的二进制字符串,说是需要满足两个要求,一是0和1的个数要相等,二是任何一个前缀中的1的个数都要大于等于0的个数。根据压力山大大神的帖子,其实就是一个括号字符串啊。这里的1表示左括号,0表示右括号,那么题目中的两个限制条件其实就是限定这个括号字符串必须合法,即左右括号的个数必须相同,且左括号的个数随时都要大于等于右括号的个数,可以参见类似的题目Valid Parenthesis String。那么这道题让我们通过交换子字符串,生成字母顺序最大的特殊字符串,注意这里交换的子字符串也必须是特殊字符串,满足题目中给定的两个条件,换作括号来说就是交换的子括号字符串也必须是合法的。那么我们来想什么样的字符串是字母顺序最大的呢,根据题目中的例子可以分析得出,应该是1靠前的越多越好,那么换作括号来说就是括号嵌套多的应该放在前面。比如我们分析题目中的例子:

11011000    ->    (()(()))

11100100    ->    ((())())



class Solution {
string makeLargestSpecial(string S) {
int cnt = , i = ;
vector<string> v;
string res = "";
for (int j = ; j < S.size(); ++j) {
cnt += (S[j] == '') ? : -;
if (cnt == ) {
v.push_back('' + makeLargestSpecial(S.substr(i + , j - i - )) + '');
i = j + ;
sort(v.begin(), v.end(), greater<string>());
for (int i = ; i < v.size(); ++i) res += v[i];
return res;


Valid Parenthesis String





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