SAP MM 标准采购组织的分配对于寄售采购订单收货的影响

PO 4100004022 是一个寄售的采购订单,

采购组织是CSAS, 工厂代码SZSP。采购信息记录也是有的,

MIGO试图对该采购订单执行收货,系统报错:Purchasing info record not found in purchasing organization SZSP.


Purchasing info record not found in purchasing organization SZSP

Message no. M7165


In the case of a consignment or pipeline movement, the price is adopted from the info record. However, the system was unable to determine a consignment info record or pipeline info record for the material and vendor in purchasing organization SZSP.


Make sure your entries are correct.

Check whether:

The info record exists in purchasing organization SZSP.

The validity period of the info record covers the posting date. Problems can arise, for example, if the info record is valid as of the creation date and a goods movement is subsequently posted to the previous month.

A standard purchasing organization has been assigned to the plant in Customizing for the enterprise structure.

If the info record was created for a different purchasing organization, you have two options:

Have the consignment or pipeline info record created in the purchasing organization that is assigned to the plant.

Ask your system administrator to check whether the plant is assigned to the correct purchasing organization.

为什么系统要求维护采购组织SZSP下的寄售采购信息记录呢?毕竟出现在采购订单里的采购组织是CSAS啊! SZSP这个采购组织压根没有出现在采购订单里啊!





2019-04-11 写于苏州市。


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