
1、 创建Manifest.txt文件,内容:

Main-Class: com.mkyong.awt.AwtExample


$ jar -cvfm run.jar Manifest.txt com/


$ java -jar run.jar



1、右键点击工程,选择 export... 菜单:


2、选择 java 下面的 Runnable JAR file:


3、在launch configuration里选择包含main函数的类



    1.   Extract required libraries into JAR - Extracts the actual .class files from the libraries your app uses and puts those .class files inside the runnable JAR. So, the runnable JAR will not only contain the .class files of your application, but also the .class files of all the libraries your application uses.

    2.   Package required libraries into JAR - Puts the actual JAR files of the libraries into your runnable JAR. Normally, a JAR file within a JAR file cannot be loaded by the JVM. But Eclipse adds special classes to the runnable JAR to make this possible.

    3.   Copy required libraries into sub folder next to JAR - Keeps the library JARs completely separate from the runnable JAR, so the runnable JAR will only contain the .class files of your application.



打包好的jar文件,可以用 jar tf run.jar 查看其中的内容


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