Browse to Dialogs view, right-click an existing dialog, click Clone and rename the cloned dialog.

When you make following changes to the cloned dialog, the original dialog will also be changed.

1> Change the text associated with the controls

2> Delete the controls that you don’t need.

As for the first one, try the following solution provided by DebbieL's Avatar:

1. Select the control in the cloned dialog that you want to edit.

2. Select the Text property that is displayed in the right pane, and click the ellipsis button (...). The String Table dialog box opens.

3. Click the Add button. The String Entry dialog box opens.

4. In the ID field, enter a unique ID. In the Text field, enter the text that you want to be used for the selected control. Click OK.

5. In the list of strings, select the string that you just created, and click the Select button.


Note: Following content is reprinted from the Original article: The One Thing You Absolutely Must Know When Cloning a Dialog

Only for knowledge sharing. ^^

You need a custom dialog and you are taking your first step to creating your first one in a Basic MSI project. You right-click an existing dialog in the Dialogs view, and click Clone. You rename the cloned dialog and then start changing it according to your needs. You have all the controls in place, the only thing left is to edit the text associated with the controls. No problem, right?

Well, actually there is a problem. In InstallShield, when you create a dialog, the text you see in a dialog control is actually associated with a string in the String Table. When you change the text in the control, you are actually changing the string in the String Table. Here’s where a problem can occur when you clone an existing dialog.

Let’s say you clone the DestinationFolder dialog. After cloning, you rename it to be UninstallOptions, delete a few controls, and add some new ones. Now, there are Text Areas on the dialog that are still on the original DestinationFolder dialog, because you haven’t deleted those controls. When you click on one of these controls in the cloned dialog, let’s say the Dialog Title, then go to the Text property and change the text to “Uninstall Options”, you are actually changing the string associated with that control in the original dialog. So, what happens?

The DestinationFolder dialog now has a new title. It’s no longer “Destination Folder”, it’s “Uninstall Options”. But, don’t despair. There is a cure.

After you clone a dialog and keep some of the original controls, click on each of those controls, go to the Text property, click the ellipsis, create a new string, then select that string for the control. When you do that, your cloned dialog will have a string that belongs only to it, and the original dialog will remain unaltered.


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