


term for a situation when two different objects return the same hashcode: hash collision

就是无规律的一一对应排序,相同object对应的HASH应该相同,相同对应的HASH应该不同。具体实现:hashCode(It returns an int hash-code depending on the memory address of the object 根据obeject的位置来对应in the heap) equal() 都是自动继承的。

Use a function on hashcode, such as modulo, to calculate the index into the hashtable and then store the object at that index 根据hash的index来查找物体


object有三种方法toString equal hashcode,通过传入memory address来计算值。同一obeject的不同state状态:要避免collision。

public int hashCode() {
return Objects.hash(title, author, year); //hash on instance variable values
//equals() implements equivalence relation - reflexive, symmetric, transitive, consistent –
// on non-null object references
public boolean equals(Object o) {
if (o == null) return false; // if o is null, then it can’t be equal to ‘this’
if (this == o) return true; // if both point to same object, then they are equal
if (getClass() != o.getClass()) return false; //if not of same type, they can’t be equal
Book b = (Book) o; //now that we know o is unique, non-null Book object, cast it to Book
return title.equals(b.title) && author.equals(b.author) && (year == b.year); //compare values


先用hashcode,再用equals。因为state不同要overload, 只overload一个会发生inconsistent。






entryset keyset values

remove(k) 是remove key = k的entry


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