Anyone who has no spiritual aspirations is an idiot.


Today I went to a bookshop with my girlfirend.

I was surprised that there were so many people, not only students, but also many adults, who enjoyed reading there.

Maybe we all have some kind of spiritual aspirations, so please don't think others as idiots, they may not be willing to show their dreams to you.

Sometimes we don't have to show our pursues to others, and we'd better to show off them after we have achieved them.

Success is waking up in the morning, so excited about what you have to do.


From Fame.

The movie Fame was produced in 2009, and its Chinese name is '名扬四海'.

Though there were innumerable moments I felt so frustrated with the results, I always remind me of being optimistic about life, because I know there are always some hopes as long as I am still breathing.

I am skilled at programing, and there are some great opportunities available right now.

I should allow myself to dream, and I know my abilities and talents can enable me to reach those dreams if I choose.

Actually we are constantly achieving, so point those achievements in a meaningful direction, use them to make my life the very best as it can be.


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