The causes of this population rebound are consequences of other human actions. First, the major predators of deer-wolves, cougar, and lynx-have been greatly reduced in numbers. Second, conservation has been insured by limiting times for and types of hunting. But the most profound reason for the restoration of high population numbers has been the fate of the forests. Great tracts of lowland country deforested by logging, fire, or both have become ideal feeding grounds of deer.In addition to finding an increase of suitable browse, like huckleberry and vine maple, Arthur Einarsen, longtime game biologist in the Pacific Northwest, found quality of browse in the open areas to be substantially more nutritive.

In addition to finding an increase of suitable browse, (like huckleberry and vine maple), Arthur Einarsen, (longtime game biologist in the Pacific Northwest), found quality of (in the open areas)browse (to be substantially more nutritive).

为了找到合适灌木丛的增长,像这两种树,Arthur Einarsen Pacific Northwest长期研究的生物学家发现(在开放区域的)灌木的质量实际上更有营养。



Arthur Einarsen's longtime family with the Pacific Northwest helped him discover areas where deer had an increase in suitable browse.

A的(位于Pacific Northwest的)家族帮助他发现区域,在那里鹿在合适的灌木中有增长



Arthur Einarsen found that deforested feeding grounds provided deer with more and better food.



Biologist like Einarsen believe it is important to find additional open areas with suitable browse for deer to inhabit.




According to Einarsen, huckleberry and vine maple are examples of vegetation that may someday improve the nutrition of deer in the open areas of the Pacific Northwest.

According to Einarsen, huckleberry and vine maple are examples of vegetation that may someday improve the nutrition of deer in the open areas of the Pacific Northwest.

基于A的说法,huckleberry 和 vine maple是(给在Pacific Northwest的开放区域生长的鹿的营养的)植物的例子。



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