1. \r,重置光标
2. time.perf_counter,计算运行时间
3. 用format控制输出格式

 1 #progress bar2
2 #The sytle of prgress bar will be shown as below
3 ##16%[********->------------------------------------------]0.86s
4 #It will be divided into three part:ratio,progress bar,duration time
5 # \r, first use \r to force cursor goto beginng of a line every time
6 #
7 import time
8 scale = 50 #define the scope of char shown as progress bar
9 print('Getting Start'.center(scale//2,'-'))
11 start = time.perf_counter()
13 for i in range(scale + 1):
14 ratio = i/scale
15 star = '*' * i
16 hyphen = '-' * (scale - i)
17 dur = time.perf_counter() - start
18 print('\r{:>4.0%}[{}->{}]{:.2f}s'.format(ratio,star,hyphen,dur),end='')
19 time.sleep(0.1)


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