array it needs a constant value

const int seq_size = 18;
int pell_seql[seql_size];
//defined a constant value: seq_size = 18

As vector,First, we need to include Head file of vector: #include<vector>

vector is a template,So we need to add curly braces <Type> Size don't need to be a Constant value here

vector<int> pell_seql(seq_size);//Attention! Size don't need to be a constant value here

whether array or vector,we can appoint Location,by []

pell_seql[0] = 1;//The first element is 1
pell_seql[1] = 2;//The second element is 2



int elem_seq[seql_size] = {,,,};//cant over size


First Merhod(Troublesome)

elem_seq[0] = 1;
elem_seq[1] = 2;

The second Method

int elem_vals[seq_size] = {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9};

vector<int>elem_seq(elem_vals,elem_vals + seq_size)//the two values here refer to location,They identify Initialized element range

There is a difference between Array and Vector: Vector know its size


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