
2.1    模块框架


模块架构思基于简单但是非常强大的接口抽象,对于到达的消息,Endpoint 按照优先级向所有的模块分发消息,直到其中一个模块告知已经处理这个消息。对于出去的消息,endpoint分发消息到所有模块,在消息未到达网络之前,允许任何模块对消息做最后的修改。

2.1.1        模块声明



* The declaration for SIP module. This structure would be passed to

* #pjsip_endpt_register_module() to register the module to PJSIP.


struct pjsip_module


/** To allow chaining of modules in the endpoint. */

PJ_DECL_LIST_MEMBER(struct pjsip_module);


* Module name to identify the module.


* This field MUST be initialized before registering the module.


pj_str_t name;


* Module ID. Application must initialize this field with -1 before

* registering the module to PJSIP. After the module is registered,

* this field will contain a unique ID to identify the module.


int id;


* Integer number to identify module initialization and start order with

* regard to other modules. Higher number will make the module gets

* initialized later.


* This field MUST be initialized before registering the module.


int priority;


* Optional function to be called to initialize the module. This function

* will be called by endpoint during module registration. If the value

* is NULL, then it's equal to returning PJ_SUCCESS.


* @param endpt   The endpoint instance.

* @return       Module should return PJ_SUCCESS to indicate success.


pj_status_t (*load)(pjsip_endpoint *endpt);


* Optional function to be called to start the module. This function

* will be called by endpoint during module registration. If the value

* is NULL, then it's equal to returning PJ_SUCCESS.


* @return       Module should return zero to indicate success.


pj_status_t (*start)(void);


* Optional function to be called to deinitialize the module before

* it is unloaded. This function will be called by endpoint during

* module unregistration. If the value is NULL, then it's equal to

* returning PJ_SUCCESS.


* @return       Module should return PJ_SUCCESS to indicate success.


pj_status_t (*stop)(void);


* Optional function to be called to deinitialize the module before

* it is unloaded. This function will be called by endpoint during

* module unregistration. If the value is NULL, then it's equal to

* returning PJ_SUCCESS.


* @param mod The module.


* @return       Module should return PJ_SUCCESS to indicate success.


pj_status_t (*unload)(void);


* Optional function to be called to process incoming request message.


* @param rdata   The incoming message.


* @return       Module should return PJ_TRUE if it handles the request,

*           or otherwise it should return PJ_FALSE to allow other

*           modules to handle the request.


pj_bool_t (*on_rx_request)(pjsip_rx_data *rdata);


* Optional function to be called to process incoming response message.


* @param rdata   The incoming message.


* @return       Module should return PJ_TRUE if it handles the

*           response, or otherwise it should return PJ_FALSE to

*           allow other modules to handle the response.


pj_bool_t (*on_rx_response)(pjsip_rx_data *rdata);


* Optional function to be called when transport layer is about to

* transmit outgoing request message.


* @param tdata   The outgoing request message.


* @return       Module should return PJ_SUCCESS in all cases.

*           If non-zero (or PJ_FALSE) is returned, the message

*           will not be sent.


pj_status_t (*on_tx_request)(pjsip_tx_data *tdata);


* Optional function to be called when transport layer is about to

* transmit outgoing response message.


* @param tdata   The outgoing response message.


* @return       Module should return PJ_SUCCESS in all cases.

*           If non-zero (or PJ_FALSE) is returned, the message

*           will not be sent.


pj_status_t (*on_tx_response)(pjsip_tx_data *tdata);


* Optional function to be called when this module is acting as

* transaction user for the specified transaction, when the

* transaction's state has changed.


* @param tsx The transaction.

* @param event   The event which has caused the transaction state

*           to change.


void (*on_tsx_state)(pjsip_transaction *tsx, pjsip_event *event);



Load, start, stop, unload这四个函数指针被enpoint调用,控制模块的状态,下面的图展示了模块状态的生命周期:

其中on­_rx_request( ) 和 on_rx_response( ) 主要作用是从sip_endpoint或其他的模块接收SIP消息。Callback函数的返回值非常重要,如果返回非0(相当于true),意味这个模块已经处理消息,这时,endpoint将停止分发消息到其他的模块。2.1.3 节呼入消息的处理将会详细描述。

On_tx_request( ) 和 on_tx_response( )在消息被广播前通过transport manager调用,这给了一些类型模块(比如:sigcomp 、 message signing)最后修改消息的机会。所有的模块必须都要返回PJ_SUCCESS(ie zero)。否则分发将会被取消,外出的消息,将会在2.1.4的将会详细描述。

On_tsx_state() 函数用来接收事务状态改变的通知,比如:接收消息、发送消息、定时器事件、传输错误事件都可能引起通知,在2.1.5节将会详细的介绍

2.1.2        模块的优先级

通过优先级指定回调调用的顺序,高优先级模块将首先调用on_rx_request 和 on_rx_response。最后调用on_tx_request 和 on_tx_response



* Module priority guidelines.


enum pjsip_module_priority



* This is the priority used by transport layer.




* This is the priority used by transaction layer.




* This is the priority used by the user agent and proxy layer.




* This is the priority used by the dialog usages.




* This is the recommended priority to be used by applications.




注意: 数字越小优先级越高

PJSIP_MOD_PRIORITY_TRANSPORT_LAYER 被用于传输管理模块,优先级当前只是被用来控制消息的传送。低优先级的模块将在传输层调用on_tx_request/on_tx_response回调函数之前调用。高优先级的模块,将在传输层处理之后调用这两个函数。2.1 4 将详细介绍outgoing的细节。

PJSIP_MOD_PRIORITY_TSX_LAYER 是Transaction layer拥有的优先级,事务层接收所有属于事务层输入的消息。

PJSIP_MOD_PRIORITY_UA_PROXY_LAYER 是UA layer(dialog framework )或 proxy layer 拥有的权限,UA layer 接收所有输入dialog的消息

PJSIP_MOD_PRIORITY_DIALOG_USAGE 是dialog的拥有的优先级,目前,PJSIP实现两个类型dilalog usage: invite session 和   event subscription(包括refer)。Dialog usage 接收同一个对话的属于特定session的所有消息。

PJSIP_MOD_PRIORITY_APPLICATION 是应用模块和合适的值,当他采用transaction、dialogs 和 dislog usage时。

2.1.3        处理呼入消息的模块

当Incoming Message到达时,提供接收消息的缓存区(结构体:pjsip_rx_data,参考第5章的 “Recive Data Buffer”)传输管理模块解析消息,并且把解析的数据结构存放在缓冲区中,把消息传递到endpoint.

Endpoint 分发接收的消息到每一个注册模块,调用on_rx_request和on_rx_response的回调。从高优先级的模块开始,直到有一个模块返回非0。当模块返回非0时, endpoint 不再发送消息到剩余的模块,因为它假定这个模块关心该消息的处理。

处理消息的模块可能分发消息到其他模块,举例:事务模块接收到匹配的消息,处理该消息然后再分发到其他到事务用户(本身也是一个模块)。Transction传递消息,通过回调 on_rx_request 和 on_rx_response 传递消息到transction user,在设置transction接收缓冲区以便transction user模块能其区分transction内部消息和外部消息。


2.1.4        模块处理呼出消息

出去的请求和响应消息由transmit data buffer(pjsip_tx_data)处理,包含了消息结构体本身、内存池、连续的buffer 和 transport info。

Pjsip_transport_send( ) 被调用发送一个消息,transport manager 调用on­_tx_request 或 on_tx_response 为所有的模块,处理顺序是优先级的低先接收消息。当回调被调用时,消息可能已经或还没有被transport layer处理。Transport layer 主要负责管理transimit buffer。

l  Transport info

l  打印结构和连续 buffer的结构体


如果模块准备改变消息结构体在打印buffer之前,他一定设置他的优先级高于transport layer的优先级,如果模块先看真实的packet bytes,再它被传送到网络之前,它应该设置优先级低于transport layer。

在所有的情况下,模块一定要返回PJ_SUCCESS. 如果模块返回错误码,transmission 将被取消,并且错误码将会返回到调用者pjsip_transport_send.

2.1.5        事务用户及状态回调


当模块注册为事务用户,才拥有这个回调,在一个事务中,只允许有一个事务用户,transaction user 能够被设置为事务再每一个transction基础上。

在dialog创建的事务,transaction user 被设置为 UA layer 模块,当应用程序手工创建事务时,他们作为事务用户设置。

On_tsx_state回调收到retransmissions的request 和 response消息时,回调将不会再被调用。注意:发送和接收临时的响应将不会被认为重传。临时消息的接收和重传将会导致回调被调用。


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