基于llvm +iscsi协议进行分析

1、客戶端接受请求并路由到 VolumeAttachmentController

delete /servers/{server_id}/os-volume_attachments/{volume_id}

nova-api处理该请求的入口函数为 nova.api.openstack.compute.volumes.VolumeAttachmentController.delete

from nova.compute import api as compute
class VolumeAttachmentController(wsgi.Controller):
def __init__(self):
self.compute_api = compute.API()
self.volume_api = cinder.API()
super(VolumeAttachmentController, self).__init__() @wsgi.response(202)
@wsgi.expected_errors((400, 403, 404, 409))
def delete(self, req, server_id, id):
"""Detach a volume from an instance."""
context = req.environ['nova.context']
context.can(va_policies.POLICY_ROOT % 'delete')
volume_id = id
instance = common.get_instance(self.compute_api, context, server_id,-------根据虚机uuid获取instance实例对象
if instance.vm_state in (vm_states.SHELVED,
_check_request_version(req, '2.20', 'detach_volume',
server_id, instance.vm_state)
volume = self.volume_api.get(context, volume_id)-----------调用cinderclient,根据卷uuid获取卷实例对象
except exception.VolumeNotFound as e:
raise exc.HTTPNotFound(explanation=e.format_message()) try:
bdm = objects.BlockDeviceMapping.get_by_volume_and_instance(-------获取block_device_mapping表 中该 instance挂在该卷的映射信息
context, volume_id, instance.uuid)
except exception.VolumeBDMNotFound:
msg = (_("Instance %(instance)s is not attached "
"to volume %(volume)s") %
{'instance': server_id, 'volume': volume_id})
raise exc.HTTPNotFound(explanation=msg) if bdm.is_root:
msg = _("Cannot detach a root device volume")
raise exc.HTTPBadRequest(explanation=msg) try:
self.compute_api.detach_volume(context, instance, volume)----s1 nova-api处理过程

s1 nova-api处理过程详解

nova api服务调用nova-compute服务对外的呈现接口

class API(base.Base):
def detach_volume(self, context, instance, volume):
"""Detach a volume from an instance."""
if instance.vm_state == vm_states.SHELVED_OFFLOADED:
self._detach_volume_shelved_offloaded(context, instance, volume)
self._detach_volume(context, instance, volume)-----一般情况走这个分支 def _detach_volume(self, context, instance, volume):
"""Detach volume from instance.
This method is separated to make it easier for cells version
to override.
self.volume_api.begin_detaching(context, volume['id'])------调用cinderclient,更新cinder数据库中卷的状态为detaching
except exception.InvalidInput as exc:
raise exception.InvalidVolume(reason=exc.format_message())
attachments = volume.get('attachments', {})
attachment_id = None
if attachments and instance.uuid in attachments:
attachment_id = attachments[instance.uuid]['attachment_id']
self._record_action_start(context, instance, instance_actions.DETACH_VOLUME)-----记录对虚机的一次操作
self.compute_rpcapi.detach_volume(context, instance=instance,------调用nova-compute rpc客户端发送卸载卷的rpc请求
volume_id=volume['id'], attachment_id=attachment_id)


class ComputeManager(manager.Manager): def detach_volume(self, context, volume_id, instance, attachment_id):
"""Detach a volume from an instance.
:param context: security context
:param volume_id: the volume id
:param instance: the Instance object to detach the volume from
:param attachment_id: The volume attachment_id for the given instance
and volume.
def do_detach_volume(context, volume_id, instance, attachment_id):
bdm = objects.BlockDeviceMapping.get_by_volume_and_instance(
context, volume_id, instance.uuid)
self._detach_volume(context, bdm, instance,
attachment_id=attachment_id) do_detach_volume(context, volume_id, instance, attachment_id)----实际调用的是 _detach_volume def _detach_volume(self, context, bdm, instance, destroy_bdm=True,
"""Detach a volume from an instance.
volume_id = bdm.volume_id
context, instance, self.host,
volume_id=volume_id) self._notify_volume_usage_detach(context, instance, bdm) LOG.info('Detaching volume %(volume_id)s',
{'volume_id': volume_id}, instance=instance) driver_bdm = driver_block_device.convert_volume(bdm)------获取bdm driver驱动,该参数的值为nova.virt.block_device.DriverVolumeBlockDevice
driver_bdm.detach(context, instance, self.volume_api, self.driver,-------- s1 调用bdm 驱动执行卸载卷操作,self.driver = nova.virt.libvirt.driver.LibvirtDriver
attachment_id=attachment_id, destroy_bdm=destroy_bdm)
info = dict(volume_id=volume_id)
context, instance, "volume.detach", extra_usage_info=info)
context, instance, self.host,
volume_id=volume_id) if 'tag' in bdm and bdm.tag:
self._delete_disk_metadata(instance, bdm)
if destroy_bdm:
bdm.destroy()-----设置nova 数据库中该卷的bdm deleted标志位删除状态

s1 BDM driver detach操作

class DriverVolumeBlockDevice(DriverBlockDevice):
def detach(self, context, instance, volume_api, virt_driver,
attachment_id=None, destroy_bdm=False): volume = self._get_volume(context, volume_api, self.volume_id)
if volume.get('shared_targets', False):
# Lock the detach call using the provided service_uuid.
def _do_locked_detach(*args, **_kwargs):
self._do_detach(*args, **_kwargs)
_do_locked_detach(context, instance, volume_api, virt_driver,
attachment_id, destroy_bdm)
# We don't need to (or don't know if we need to) lock.
self._do_detach(context, instance, volume_api, virt_driver,-----调试走了该分支
attachment_id, destroy_bdm) def _do_detach(self, context, instance, volume_api, virt_driver,
attachment_id=None, destroy_bdm=False):
"""Private method that actually does the detach. This is separate from the detach() method so the caller can optionally
lock this call.
volume_id = self.volume_id # Only attempt to detach and disconnect from the volume if the instance
# is currently associated with the local compute host.
if CONF.host == instance.host:
self.driver_detach(context, instance, volume_api, virt_driver)--------s1.1 虚机端卸载卷操作
elif not destroy_bdm:
LOG.debug("Skipping driver_detach during remote rebuild.",
elif destroy_bdm:
LOG.error("Unable to call for a driver detach of volume "
"%(vol_id)s due to the instance being "
"registered to the remote host %(inst_host)s.",
{'vol_id': volume_id,
'inst_host': instance.host}, instance=instance) # NOTE(jdg): For now we need to actually inspect the bdm for an
# attachment_id as opposed to relying on what may have been passed
# in, we want to force usage of the old detach flow for now and only
# use the new flow when we explicitly used it for the attach.
if not self['attachment_id']:
connector = virt_driver.get_volume_connector(instance)
connection_info = self['connection_info']
if connection_info and not destroy_bdm and (
connector.get('host') != instance.host):
# If the volume is attached to another host (evacuate) then
# this connector is for the wrong host. Use the connector that
# was stored in connection_info instead (if we have one, and it
# is for the expected host).
stashed_connector = connection_info.get('connector')
if not stashed_connector:
# Volume was attached before we began stashing connectors
LOG.warning("Host mismatch detected, but stashed "
"volume connector not found. Instance host is "
"%(ihost)s, but volume connector host is "
{'ihost': instance.host,
'chost': connector.get('host')})
elif stashed_connector.get('host') != instance.host:
# Unexpected error. The stashed connector is also not
# matching the needed instance host.
LOG.error("Host mismatch detected in stashed volume "
"connector. Will use local volume connector. "
"Instance host is %(ihost)s. Local volume "
"connector host is %(chost)s. Stashed volume "
"connector host is %(schost)s.",
{'ihost': instance.host,
'chost': connector.get('host'),
'schost': stashed_connector.get('host')})
# Fix found. Use stashed connector.
LOG.debug("Host mismatch detected. Found usable stashed "
"volume connector. Instance host is %(ihost)s. "
"Local volume connector host was %(chost)s. "
"Stashed volume connector host is %(schost)s.",
{'ihost': instance.host,
'chost': connector.get('host'),
'schost': stashed_connector.get('host')})
connector = stashed_connector volume_api.terminate_connection(context, volume_id, connector)-----s1.2 调用cinderclient,发送os-terminate_connection请求,cinder端取消后端存储卷的挂载关系
volume_api.detach(context.elevated(), volume_id, instance.uuid,attachment_id)-----s1.3 调用cinderclient,发送os-detach请求,更新cinder 数据库中,卷的状态
volume_api.attachment_delete(context, self['attachment_id']) s1.1 虚机端卸载卷操作
self.driver_detach(context, instance, volume_api, virt_driver)
class DriverVolumeBlockDevice(DriverBlockDevice):
def driver_detach(self, context, instance, volume_api, virt_driver):
#virt_driver的值为 nova.virt.libvirt.driver.LibvirtDriver
connection_info = self['connection_info']
mp = self['mount_device']
volume_id = self.volume_id LOG.info('Attempting to driver detach volume %(volume_id)s from '
'mountpoint %(mp)s', {'volume_id': volume_id, 'mp': mp},
if not virt_driver.instance_exists(instance):
LOG.warning('Detaching volume from unknown instance',
instance=instance) encryption = encryptors.get_encryption_metadata(context,
volume_api, volume_id, connection_info)
virt_driver.detach_volume(context, connection_info, instance, mp,------------s1.1.1 调用libvirt里面的实际驱动进行处理
except exception.DiskNotFound as err:
LOG.warning('Ignoring DiskNotFound exception while '
'detaching volume %(volume_id)s from '
'%(mp)s : %(err)s',
{'volume_id': volume_id, 'mp': mp,
'err': err}, instance=instance)
except exception.DeviceDetachFailed as err:
with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception():
LOG.warning('Guest refused to detach volume %(vol)s',
{'vol': volume_id}, instance=instance)
volume_api.roll_detaching(context, volume_id)
except Exception:
with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception():
LOG.exception('Failed to detach volume '
'%(volume_id)s from %(mp)s',
{'volume_id': volume_id, 'mp': mp},
volume_api.roll_detaching(context, volume_id)
s1.1.1 详解
class LibvirtDriver(driver.ComputeDriver):
def detach_volume(self, context, connection_info, instance, mountpoint,
disk_dev = mountpoint.rpartition("/")[2]
guest = self._host.get_guest(instance)-------获取虚机的xml信息
state = guest.get_power_state(self._host)
live = state in (power_state.RUNNING, power_state.PAUSED)
wait_for_detach = guest.detach_device_with_retry(guest.get_disk,disk_dev,live=live)----s1删除xml文件中挂载卷的信息
self._disconnect_volume(context, connection_info, instance,-------s2主机端执行issci logout操作
s2主机端执行issci logout操作
class LibvirtDriver(driver.ComputeDriver):
def _disconnect_volume(self, context, connection_info, instance,
self._detach_encryptor(context, connection_info, encryption=encryption)
if self._should_disconnect_target(context, connection_info, instance):
vol_driver = self._get_volume_driver(connection_info)
vol_driver.disconnect_volume(connection_info, instance)
LOG.info("Detected multiple connections on this host for volume: "
"%s, skipping target disconnect.",
根据block_device_mapping中,connection_info的 driver_volume_type 类型来获取对应的驱动,
由于使用的是iscsi协议,因此找的 LibvirtISCSIVolumeDriver




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