// 简单实现
cv::namedWindow("Example 2-3", cv::WINDOW_AUTOSIZE); cv::VideoCapture cap; cap.open(0);
cout << "Opened file: " << argv[1] << endl; cv::Mat frame, frame_threshold;
int low_r = 30, low_g = 30, low_b = 30;
int high_r = 100, high_g = 100, high_b = 100; for (;;) { cap >> frame; if (frame.empty()) break; // Ran out of film inRange(frame, cv::Scalar(low_b, low_g, low_r), cv::Scalar(high_b, high_g, high_r), frame_threshold);
//-- Show the frames
imshow("Video Capture", frame);
imshow("Object Detection", frame_threshold); if ((char)cv::waitKey(33) >= 0) break; } return 0;


// 完整实现
#include "opencv2/imgproc.hpp"
#include "opencv2/highgui.hpp"
#include <iostream>
#include <stdlib.h>
using namespace std;
using namespace cv;
void on_low_r_thresh_trackbar(int, void*);
void on_high_r_thresh_trackbar(int, void*);
void on_low_g_thresh_trackbar(int, void*);
void on_high_g_thresh_trackbar(int, void*);
void on_low_b_thresh_trackbar(int, void*);
void on_high_b_thresh_trackbar(int, void*);
int low_r = 30, low_g = 30, low_b = 30;
int high_r = 100, high_g = 100, high_b = 100;
int main()
Mat frame, frame_threshold;
VideoCapture cap(0);
namedWindow("Video Capture", WINDOW_NORMAL);
namedWindow("Object Detection", WINDOW_NORMAL);
//-- Trackbars to set thresholds for RGB values
createTrackbar("Low R", "Object Detection", &low_r, 255, on_low_r_thresh_trackbar);
createTrackbar("High R", "Object Detection", &high_r, 255, on_high_r_thresh_trackbar);
createTrackbar("Low G", "Object Detection", &low_g, 255, on_low_g_thresh_trackbar);
createTrackbar("High G", "Object Detection", &high_g, 255, on_high_g_thresh_trackbar);
createTrackbar("Low B", "Object Detection", &low_b, 255, on_low_b_thresh_trackbar);
createTrackbar("High B", "Object Detection", &high_b, 255, on_high_b_thresh_trackbar);
while ((char)waitKey(1) != 'q') {
cap >> frame;
if (frame.empty())
//-- Detect the object based on RGB Range Values
inRange(frame, Scalar(low_b, low_g, low_r), Scalar(high_b, high_g, high_r), frame_threshold);
//-- Show the frames
imshow("Video Capture", frame);
imshow("Object Detection", frame_threshold);
return 0;
void on_low_r_thresh_trackbar(int, void*)
low_r = min(high_r - 1, low_r);
setTrackbarPos("Low R", "Object Detection", low_r);
void on_high_r_thresh_trackbar(int, void*)
high_r = max(high_r, low_r + 1);
setTrackbarPos("High R", "Object Detection", high_r);
void on_low_g_thresh_trackbar(int, void*)
low_g = min(high_g - 1, low_g);
setTrackbarPos("Low G", "Object Detection", low_g);
void on_high_g_thresh_trackbar(int, void*)
high_g = max(high_g, low_g + 1);
setTrackbarPos("High G", "Object Detection", high_g);
void on_low_b_thresh_trackbar(int, void*)
low_b = min(high_b - 1, low_b);
setTrackbarPos("Low B", "Object Detection", low_b);
void on_high_b_thresh_trackbar(int, void*)
high_b = max(high_b, low_b + 1);
setTrackbarPos("High B", "Object Detection", high_b);



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