

# writer.add_scalar()  # 添加标量
tag (string): Data identifier # 图表的Title
scalar_value (float or string/blobname): Value to save # 对应的y轴
global_step (int): Global step value to record # 对应的x轴
walltime (float): Optional override default walltime (time.time())
with seconds after epoch of event
""" # demo
from torch.utils.tensorboard import SummaryWriter
writer = SummaryWriter('runs') # 实例化一个对象
for i in range(100):
writer.add_scalar("y=x^2", i**2, i) # 分别对应title y轴 x轴
# writer.add_image()  # 添加图片
"""Add image data to summary. Note that this requires the ``pillow`` package. Args:
tag (string): Data identifier
img_tensor (torch.Tensor, numpy.array, or string/blobname): Image data
global_step (int): Global step value to record
walltime (float): Optional override default walltime (time.time())
seconds after epoch of event
img_tensor: Default is :math:`(3, H, W)`. You can use ``torchvision.utils.make_grid()`` to
convert a batch of tensor into 3xHxW format or call ``add_images`` and let us do the job.
Tensor with :math:`(1, H, W)`, :math:`(H, W)`, :math:`(H, W, 3)` is also suitable as long as
corresponding ``dataformats`` argument is passed, e.g. ``CHW``, ``HWC``, ``HW``. Examples:: from torch.utils.tensorboard import SummaryWriter
import numpy as np
img = np.zeros((3, 100, 100))
img[0] = np.arange(0, 10000).reshape(100, 100) / 10000
img[1] = 1 - np.arange(0, 10000).reshape(100, 100) / 10000 img_HWC = np.zeros((100, 100, 3))
img_HWC[:, :, 0] = np.arange(0, 10000).reshape(100, 100) / 10000
img_HWC[:, :, 1] = 1 - np.arange(0, 10000).reshape(100, 100) / 10000 writer = SummaryWriter()
writer.add_image('my_image', img, 0) # If you have non-default dimension setting, set the dataformats argument.
writer.add_image('my_image_HWC', img_HWC, 0, dataformats='HWC')
writer.close() Expected result: .. image:: _static/img/tensorboard/add_image.png
:scale: 50 % """
# demo
from torch.utils.tensorboard import SummaryWriter
import cv2
write = SummaryWriter("logs")
img_array1 = cv2.imread('./dog.jpeg') # 读取图片,类型为ndarray
write.add_image("img", img_array1, 1, dataformats='HWC') # title, 数据: ndarray/tensor step 数据的类型: 默认:'CHW'


# 方法1: tensorboard --logdir=runs
# 方法2: tensorboard --logdir runs
# 方法3: tensorboard --logdir=runs --port=6007 如果端口冲突使用不冲突的端口


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