

GitHub Packages 是一个和每一个代码仓库关联的软件包仓库。通俗来说就是代码仓库中存放的是源码,软件包仓库中存放的是编译输出后的可以被各个语言生态的依赖管理工具直接依赖的lib。类似的我们熟知的有maven中央仓库和nmp仓库。

GitHub Actions 是一个Github原生的持续集成和部署的工作流组件。通俗来说就是Github免费给你提供虚拟主机,由你编写工作流脚本来进行源码的检出,编译,测试,和发布。类似的我们可以想象成Github给每个仓库都免费绑定了一个Jenkins服务,编写pipeline脚本即可进行源码的集成和发布。

Github Token

首先我们讨论下Github Token,因为后续操作都需要用到这个Token.

Github Token是用户登录后生成的用户凭证,类似JWT登录令牌,令牌关联了操作权限,用户开发者授权给第三方服务进行仓库管理或者开发者自己利用Github Api做一些极客操作。




Github Secrets 密文字典

密文字典用于将一些隐私的保密的配置如password,token等通过键值对的形式以密文保存在Github中,在一些需要的场景如Github Actions中,可以通过Github暴露的Api进行取用,避免了源码公开导致的安全问题。


入口路径为:仓库 > Settings > Secrets

Github Packages 包仓库



包客户端 语言 包格式 描述 仓库地址
npm JavaScript package.json Node package manager https://npm.pkg.github.com
gem Ruby Gemfile RubyGems package manager https://USERNAME:TOKEN@rubygems.pkg.github.com/OWNER/
mvn Java pom.xml Apache Maven project management and comprehension tool https://maven.pkg.github.com/OWNER/REPOSITORY
gradle Java build.gradlebuild.gradle.kts Gradle build automation tool for Java https://maven.pkg.github.com/OWNER/REPOSITORY
docker N/A Dockerfile Docker container management platform
dotnet CLI .NET nupkg NuGet package management for .NET


产品 存储 每月流量
GitHub Free 500MB 1GB
GitHub Pro 1GB 5GB
GitHub Team 2GB 10GB
GitHub Enterprise Cloud 50GB 100GB


虽然公开代码仓库的包仓库界面是公开可读的,但是包的发布和下载需要认证。需要使用Github Token。下载需要认证目前被吐槽的比较狠,社区已经在讨论这个issue,后续可能会允许免密下载。



$ docker login -u USERNAME -p TOKEN docker.pkg.github.com

2、登录后我们将指定镜像重命名为Github Packages规定的Docker镜像名:

$ docker tag IMAGE_ID docker.pkg.github.com/OWNER/REPOSITORY/IMAGE_NAME:VERSION



$ docker push docker.pkg.github.com/OWNER/REPOSITORY/IMAGE_NAME:VERSION



Github Actions 持续集成工作流

1、Github免费提供了虚拟主机,用来提供持续集成的运行环境。处于安全性考虑也可以使用自己的服务器资源执行构建任务,详见:Hosting your own runners


  • 2-core CPU
  • 7 GB of RAM memory
  • 14 GB of SSD disk space


Environment YAML Label Included Software
Ubuntu 18.04 ubuntu-latest or ubuntu-18.04 ubuntu-18.04
Ubuntu 16.04 ubuntu-16.04 ubuntu-16.04
macOS 10.15 macos-latest or macos-10.15 macOS-10.15
Windows Server 2019 windows-latest or windows-2019 windows-2019
Windows Server 2016 windows-2016 windows-2016





在代码仓库根目录新建 github/workflows目录,目录内的所有.yml文件都会被识别为一个持续集成工作流。




  • git操作相关的事件如push,pull request等。
  • cron表达式



由于步骤重合度高,如maven编译,docker构建,docker发布等,Github使用应用市场来汇总开发者开源的构建步骤脚本,用于重用。Github自己也开发了一些基础功能脚本如 actions/checkout





Context name Type Description
github object Information about the workflow run. For more information, see github context.
env object Contains environment variables set in a workflow, job, or step. For more information, see env context .
job object Information about the currently executing job. For more information, see job context.
steps object Information about the steps that have been run in this job. For more information, see steps context.
runner object Information about the runner that is running the current job. For more information, see runner context.
secrets object Enables access to secrets set in a repository. For more information about secrets, see "Creating and using encrypted secrets."
strategy object Enables access to the configured strategy parameters and information about the current job. Strategy parameters include fail-fast, job-index, job-total, and max-parallel.
matrix object Enables access to the matrix parameters you configured for the current job. For example, if you configure a matrix build with the os and node versions, the matrix context object includes the os and node versions of the current job.


Environment variable Description
HOME The path to the GitHub home directory used to store user data. For example, /github/home.
GITHUB_WORKFLOW The name of the workflow.
GITHUB_RUN_ID A unique number for each run within a repository. This number does not change if you re-run the workflow run.
GITHUB_RUN_NUMBER A unique number for each run of a particular workflow in a repository. This number begins at 1 for the workflow's first run, and increments with each new run. This number does not change if you re-run the workflow run.
GITHUB_ACTION The unique identifier (id) of the action.
GITHUB_ACTIONS Always set to true when GitHub Actions is running the workflow. You can use this variable to differentiate when tests are being run locally or by GitHub Actions.
GITHUB_ACTOR The name of the person or app that initiated the workflow. For example, octocat.
GITHUB_REPOSITORY The owner and repository name. For example, octocat/Hello-World.
GITHUB_EVENT_NAME The name of the webhook event that triggered the workflow.
GITHUB_EVENT_PATH The path of the file with the complete webhook event payload. For example, /github/workflow/event.json.
GITHUB_WORKSPACE The GitHub workspace directory path. The workspace directory contains a subdirectory with a copy of your repository if your workflow uses the actions/checkout action. If you don't use the actions/checkout action, the directory will be empty. For example, /home/runner/work/my-repo-name/my-repo-name.
GITHUB_SHA The commit SHA that triggered the workflow. For example, ffac537e6cbbf934b08745a378932722df287a53.
GITHUB_REF The branch or tag ref that triggered the workflow. For example, refs/heads/feature-branch-1. If neither a branch or tag is available for the event type, the variable will not exist.
GITHUB_HEAD_REF Only set for forked repositories. The branch of the head repository.
GITHUB_BASE_REF Only set for forked repositories. The branch of the base repository.



结合Github Actions和Github Packages,可以完成一整个CI闭环,比如代码Push到Github上的某个分支,触发Action,构建Docker镜像push到Packages,调用Webhook触发阿里云服务器pull image部署。对于个人写一些小的开源项目完美够用,节约了在阿里云服务器搭建Jenkins等CI服务的资源。真香~~~

考虑到Github Actions提供的虚拟主机性能不错(比我买的阿里云主机好多了...)有公网IP可以访问外网,其实还可以玩点别的花活,比如抢火车票?爬网页?刷评论?发动你的脑瓜壳吧~


  1. Redis-Sentinel(Redis集群监控管理)
  2. 安卓App和java通信实例
  3. 记C语言浮点数运算处理 "坑" 一则
  4. Provider 错误 '80004005' 未指定的错误 的最终解决方法
  5. dom操作中的js优化
  6. SharePoint2013 SharePoint-Hosted 模式 分页方法
  7. 在Linux下用netstat查看网络状态、端口状态
  8. cocos2d-x Loading界面实现资源加载
  9. javascript笔记整理(事件)
  10. Python开发项目:大型模拟战争游戏(外星人入侵)
  11. Spring Boot系列(一) Spring Boot准备知识
  12. MySQL -- 关闭 binlog
  13. skynet记录7:第一个服务logger和第二个服务bootstrap
  14. django之模版层(template)
  15. Python输入语句
  16. .Net并行编程系列之三:创建带时间限制(Timeout)的异步任务并取得异步任务的结果
  17. 解决IE8不支持console
  18. Android事件分发和消费机制(转载)
  19. IDEA 配置Junit4
  20. php 返回上一页并刷新


  1. SQL系列总结——基础篇(三)
  2. linux(4)Linux 文件内容查看
  3. ES模块化的导入和导出
  4. hdu5884 Sort(二分)
  5. 2019中国大学生程序设计竞赛(CCPC) - 网络选拔赛(8/11)
  6. hdu2430Beans(单调队列)
  7. Codeforces Round #665 (Div. 2) D. Maximum Distributed Tree (dfs计数,树)
  8. java——类、对象、private、this关键字
  9. Codeforces Round #544 (Div. 3) E. K Balanced Teams (DP)
  10. 母函数 <普通母函数(HDU - 1028 ) && 指数型母函数(hdu1521)>