最近在做眼底图像的无监督分类,使用的数据集辣子kaggle的Diabetic Retinopathy,简称DR,中文称糖尿病型眼底疾病。






kappa = (p0-pe) / (n-pe)

其中,P0 = 对角线单元中观测值的总和;pe = 对角线单元中期望值的总和。

根据kappa的计算方法分为简单kappa(simple kappa)和加权kappa(weighted kappa),加权kappa又分为linear weighted kappaquadratic weighted kappa。

weighted kappa

关于linear还是quadratic weighted kappa的选择,取决于你的数据集中不同class之间差异的意义。比如对于眼底图像识别的数据,class=0为健康,class=4为疾病晚期非常严重,所以对于把class=0预测成4的行为所造成的惩罚应该远远大于把class=0预测成class=1的行为,使用quadratic的话0->4所造成的惩罚就等于16倍的0->1的惩罚。如下图是一个四分类的两个计算方法的比较。



#! /usr/bin/env python2.7

import numpy as np

def confusion_matrix(rater_a, rater_b, min_rating=None, max_rating=None):
Returns the confusion matrix between rater's ratings
assert(len(rater_a) == len(rater_b))
if min_rating is None:
min_rating = min(rater_a + rater_b)
if max_rating is None:
max_rating = max(rater_a + rater_b)
num_ratings = int(max_rating - min_rating + 1)
conf_mat = [[0 for i in range(num_ratings)]
for j in range(num_ratings)]
for a, b in zip(rater_a, rater_b):
conf_mat[a - min_rating][b - min_rating] += 1
return conf_mat def histogram(ratings, min_rating=None, max_rating=None):
Returns the counts of each type of rating that a rater made
if min_rating is None:
min_rating = min(ratings)
if max_rating is None:
max_rating = max(ratings)
num_ratings = int(max_rating - min_rating + 1)
hist_ratings = [0 for x in range(num_ratings)]
for r in ratings:
hist_ratings[r - min_rating] += 1
return hist_ratings def quadratic_weighted_kappa(rater_a, rater_b, min_rating=None, max_rating=None):
Calculates the quadratic weighted kappa
quadratic_weighted_kappa calculates the quadratic weighted kappa
value, which is a measure of inter-rater agreement between two raters
that provide discrete numeric ratings. Potential values range from -1
(representing complete disagreement) to 1 (representing complete
agreement). A kappa value of 0 is expected if all agreement is due to
chance. quadratic_weighted_kappa(rater_a, rater_b), where rater_a and rater_b
each correspond to a list of integer ratings. These lists must have the
same length. The ratings should be integers, and it is assumed that they contain
the complete range of possible ratings. quadratic_weighted_kappa(X, min_rating, max_rating), where min_rating
is the minimum possible rating, and max_rating is the maximum possible
rater_a = np.array(rater_a, dtype=int)
rater_b = np.array(rater_b, dtype=int)
assert(len(rater_a) == len(rater_b))
if min_rating is None:
min_rating = min(min(rater_a), min(rater_b))
if max_rating is None:
max_rating = max(max(rater_a), max(rater_b))
conf_mat = confusion_matrix(rater_a, rater_b,
min_rating, max_rating)
num_ratings = len(conf_mat)
num_scored_items = float(len(rater_a)) hist_rater_a = histogram(rater_a, min_rating, max_rating)
hist_rater_b = histogram(rater_b, min_rating, max_rating) numerator = 0.0
denominator = 0.0 for i in range(num_ratings):
for j in range(num_ratings):
expected_count = (hist_rater_a[i] * hist_rater_b[j]
/ num_scored_items)
d = pow(i - j, 2.0) / pow(num_ratings - 1, 2.0)
numerator += d * conf_mat[i][j] / num_scored_items
denominator += d * expected_count / num_scored_items return 1.0 - numerator / denominator def linear_weighted_kappa(rater_a, rater_b, min_rating=None, max_rating=None):
Calculates the linear weighted kappa
linear_weighted_kappa calculates the linear weighted kappa
value, which is a measure of inter-rater agreement between two raters
that provide discrete numeric ratings. Potential values range from -1
(representing complete disagreement) to 1 (representing complete
agreement). A kappa value of 0 is expected if all agreement is due to
chance. linear_weighted_kappa(rater_a, rater_b), where rater_a and rater_b
each correspond to a list of integer ratings. These lists must have the
same length. The ratings should be integers, and it is assumed that they contain
the complete range of possible ratings. linear_weighted_kappa(X, min_rating, max_rating), where min_rating
is the minimum possible rating, and max_rating is the maximum possible
assert(len(rater_a) == len(rater_b))
if min_rating is None:
min_rating = min(rater_a + rater_b)
if max_rating is None:
max_rating = max(rater_a + rater_b)
conf_mat = confusion_matrix(rater_a, rater_b,
min_rating, max_rating)
num_ratings = len(conf_mat)
num_scored_items = float(len(rater_a)) hist_rater_a = histogram(rater_a, min_rating, max_rating)
hist_rater_b = histogram(rater_b, min_rating, max_rating) numerator = 0.0
denominator = 0.0 for i in range(num_ratings):
for j in range(num_ratings):
expected_count = (hist_rater_a[i] * hist_rater_b[j]
/ num_scored_items)
d = abs(i - j) / float(num_ratings - 1)
numerator += d * conf_mat[i][j] / num_scored_items
denominator += d * expected_count / num_scored_items return 1.0 - numerator / denominator def kappa(rater_a, rater_b, min_rating=None, max_rating=None):
Calculates the kappa
kappa calculates the kappa
value, which is a measure of inter-rater agreement between two raters
that provide discrete numeric ratings. Potential values range from -1
(representing complete disagreement) to 1 (representing complete
agreement). A kappa value of 0 is expected if all agreement is due to
chance. kappa(rater_a, rater_b), where rater_a and rater_b
each correspond to a list of integer ratings. These lists must have the
same length. The ratings should be integers, and it is assumed that they contain
the complete range of possible ratings. kappa(X, min_rating, max_rating), where min_rating
is the minimum possible rating, and max_rating is the maximum possible
assert(len(rater_a) == len(rater_b))
if min_rating is None:
min_rating = min(rater_a + rater_b)
if max_rating is None:
max_rating = max(rater_a + rater_b)
conf_mat = confusion_matrix(rater_a, rater_b,
min_rating, max_rating)
num_ratings = len(conf_mat)
num_scored_items = float(len(rater_a)) hist_rater_a = histogram(rater_a, min_rating, max_rating)
hist_rater_b = histogram(rater_b, min_rating, max_rating) numerator = 0.0
denominator = 0.0 for i in range(num_ratings):
for j in range(num_ratings):
expected_count = (hist_rater_a[i] * hist_rater_b[j]
/ num_scored_items)
if i == j:
d = 0.0
d = 1.0
numerator += d * conf_mat[i][j] / num_scored_items
denominator += d * expected_count / num_scored_items return 1.0 - numerator / denominator def mean_quadratic_weighted_kappa(kappas, weights=None):
Calculates the mean of the quadratic
weighted kappas after applying Fisher's r-to-z transform, which is
approximately a variance-stabilizing transformation. This
transformation is undefined if one of the kappas is 1.0, so all kappa
values are capped in the range (-0.999, 0.999). The reverse
transformation is then applied before returning the result. mean_quadratic_weighted_kappa(kappas), where kappas is a vector of
kappa values mean_quadratic_weighted_kappa(kappas, weights), where weights is a vector
of weights that is the same size as kappas. Weights are applied in the
kappas = np.array(kappas, dtype=float)
if weights is None:
weights = np.ones(np.shape(kappas))
weights = weights / np.mean(weights) # ensure that kappas are in the range [-.999, .999]
kappas = np.array([min(x, .999) for x in kappas])
kappas = np.array([max(x, -.999) for x in kappas]) z = 0.5 * np.log((1 + kappas) / (1 - kappas)) * weights
z = np.mean(z)
return (np.exp(2 * z) - 1) / (np.exp(2 * z) + 1) def weighted_mean_quadratic_weighted_kappa(solution, submission):
predicted_score = submission[submission.columns[-1]].copy()
predicted_score.name = "predicted_score"
if predicted_score.index[0] == 0:
predicted_score = predicted_score[:len(solution)]
predicted_score.index = solution.index
combined = solution.join(predicted_score, how="left")
groups = combined.groupby(by="essay_set")
kappas = [quadratic_weighted_kappa(group[1]["essay_score"], group[1]["predicted_score"]) for group in groups]
weights = [group[1]["essay_weight"].irow(0) for group in groups]
return mean_quadratic_weighted_kappa(kappas, weights=weights)


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