SqlConnection sconn = null;
SqlCommand scmd = null;
SqlTransaction strans = null;
string sqlInsert = string.Format(@"insert into MyName (myid,myfname,mymname,mylname) values
('{0}','c','c','c')", Guid.NewGuid().ToString());
sconn = new SqlConnection(dbConnStr);
scmd = new SqlCommand(sqlInsert, sconn);
strans = sconn.BeginTransaction();
scmd.Transaction = strans; scmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); strans.Commit(); int[] myi = new int[] { };
int myr = myi[];
catch (Exception exp)
if (strans != null && strans.Connection != null)
strans.Rollback(); MessageBox.Show(exp.Message);
if (sconn != null)

如果事务完成后,还有其它代码引发异常,这时就不能去回滚事务了。事务一旦提交,它的Connection就为NULL了,可以通过if (strans != null && strans.Connection != null) 来判断。


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