1. Binder - 不支持Native层的binder
  2. 内存共享 - 不支持
  3. 信号量(信号灯) - 不支持
  4. 消息队列 - 不支持
  5. 信号 - 支持,但是不能用sigqueue传消息,只能用来安装信号,可以用来收集Native Crash日志
  6. 管道 - 匿名管道,支持
  7. 管道 - FIFO,支持
  8. socket - 支持

[参考资料] 为何binder在native不受支持 https://groups.google.com/forum/?fromgroups=#!topic/android-ndk/1QmVRrNckfM

为何不支持内存共享、消息队列、信号量 ,参见https://android.googlesource.com/platform/ndk/+/4e159d95ebf23b5f72bb707b0cb1518ef96b3d03/docs/system/libc/SYSV-IPC.TXT





Android does not support System V IPCs, i.e. the facilities provided by the
following standard Posix headers: <sys/sem.h> /* SysV semaphores */
<sys/shm.h> /* SysV shared memory segments */
<sys/msg.h> /* SysV message queues */
<sys/ipc.h> /* General IPC definitions */ The reason for this is due to the fact that, by design, they lead to global
kernel resource leakage.





“Bear in mind that the Dalvik VM doesn't like fork() much, and goes into conniptions if you try to do *any* work between the fork() and the exec(). ”



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