



1-0-客户端禁用cookie,客户端页面跳转或者post/get至服务端时,会同时request session_id至服务端

客户端,不仅仅限于浏览器?qq PC mobile 聊天的历史列表















HTTP The Definitive Guide

11.6.4 Different Cookies for Different Sites
A browser can have hundreds or thousands of cookies in its internal cookie jar, but browsers don't
send every cookie to every site. In fact, they typically send only two or three cookies to each site.
Here's why:

Moving all those cookie bytes would dramatically slow performance. Browsers would
actually be moving more cookie bytes than real content bytes!

Most of these cookies would just be unrecognizable gibberish for most sites, because they
contain server-specific name/value pairs.

Sending all cookies to all sites would create a potential privacy concern, with sites you don't
trust getting information you intended only for another site.
In general, a browser sends to a server only those cookies that the server generated. Cookies generated
by joes-hardware.com are sent to joes-hardware.com and not to bobs-books.com or marys-
Many web sites contract with third-party vendors to manage advertisements. These advertisements are
made to look like they are integral parts of the web site and do push persistent cookies. When the user
goes to a different web site serviced by the same advertisement company, the persistent cookie set
earlier is sent back again by the browser (because the domains match). A marketing company could
use this technique, combined with the Referer header, to potentially build an exhaustive data set of user profiles and browsing habits. Modern browsers allow you to configure privacy settings to restrict
third-party cookies. Cookie Domain attribute

A server generating a cookie can control which sites get to see that cookie by adding a Domain
attribute to the Set-Cookie response header. For example, the following HTTP response header tells
the browser to send the cookie user="mary17" to any site in the domain .airtravelbargains.com:
Set-cookie: user="mary17"; domain="airtravelbargains.com"
If the user visits www.airtravelbargains.com, specials.airtravelbargains.com, or any site ending in
.airtravelbargains.com, the following Cookie header will be issued:
Cookie: user="mary17" Cookie Path attribute

The cookie specification even lets you associate cookies with portions of web sites. This is done using
the Path attribute, which indicates the URL path prefix where each cookie is valid.
For example, one web server might be shared between two organizations, each having separate
cookies. The site www.airtravelbargains.com might devote part of its web site to auto rentals—say,
http://www.airtravelbargains.com/autos/—using a separate cookie to keep track of a user's preferred
car size. A special auto-rental cookie might be generated like this:
Set-cookie: pref=compact; domain="airtravelbargains.com";
If the user goes to http://www.airtravelbargains.com/specials.html, she will get only this cookie:
Cookie: user="mary17"
But if she goes to http://www.airtravelbargains.com/autos/cheapo/index.html, she will get both of
these cookies:
Cookie: user="mary17"
Cookie: pref=compact
So, cookies are pieces of state, slapped onto the client by the servers, maintained by the clients, and
sent back to only those sites that are appropriate. Let's look in more detail at the cookie technology
and standards.


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