
Given a non-negative integer num, Return its encoding string. @wowpH

The encoding is done by converting the integer to a string using a secret function that you should deduce from the following table:

Example 1:

Input: num = 23
Output: "1000"

Example 2:

Input: num = 107
Output: "101100"


  • 0 <= num <= 10^9


f(n) 前面加"1" 10进制 n
"" "1" 1 0
"0" "10" 2 1
"1" "11" 3 2
"00" "100" 4 3
"01" "101" 5 4
"10" "110" 6 5
"11" "111" 7 6
"000" "1000" 8 7


class Solution {
public String encode(int num) {
return Integer.toBinaryString(num + 1).substring(1);


- wowpH -


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