The value of a string s is equal to the number of different letters which appear in this string.

Your task is to calculate the total value of all the palindrome substring.

The input consists of a single string |s|(≤∣s∣≤×^ ). The string s only contains lowercase letters. Output
Output an integer that denotes the answer. 样例输入
abac 样例输出 样例解释
abac has palindrome substrings a,b,a,c,abaa,b,a,c,aba,ans the total value is equal to ++++=。


  Manacher,先预处理一波,然后找出每一个位置的26个字母下一个位置,存在一个vector里面,然后最后找的时候就是差值 × 对应的个数。

using namespace std;
typedef long long ll;
const int N=3e5+;
char S[N],T[N<<];
int Len[N*];
int nxt[N][];
void Manacher(char *s){
int L=strlen(s);
int po = , mx= ; for(int i=;i<=L*;i++){
T[i] = i&? '#' : s[i/-] ;
} T[] = '@';
T[*L+] = '#';
T[*L+] = '\0'; ll tmp = ;
for(int i=;i<=*L;i++){
if( i<mx ){
Len[i]=min( mx-i , Len[*po-i] );
Len[i] = ;
} while( T[i+Len[i]]==T[i-Len[i]] ){
if( i + Len[i] > mx ){
po = i;
mx = i + Len[i];
int main()
int len1 = strlen( S ) ;
int len2 = strlen( T ) ; for( int j = ; j < ; j++ ){
int pos = INT_MAX ;
for( int i = len1 - ; i >= ; i-- ){
if( S[i] == j + 'a' ) pos = i ;
nxt[i][j] = pos ;
} for( int i = ; i < len1 ; i++ ){
for( int j = ; j < ; j++ ){
V[i].push_back( nxt[i][j] ) ;
sort( V[i].begin() , V[i].end() );
for( int i = 1 ; i < len2 ; i++ ){
printf("%d : %c , Len %d \n",i , T[i] , Len[i] );
ll ans = ;
for( int i = ; i < len2 ; i++ ){
int L = Len[i] / ;
if( L == ) continue ; int Id = i / - ;
if( i & ) Id ++ ; int RR = Id + L - ;
int Last = V[Id][] ;
int cnt = ;
for( auto x : V[Id] ){
if( x > RR ) break ;
int r = x - ;
ans = ans + (ll)( cnt ++ ) * (ll) ( r - Last + );
Last = x ;
if( RR >= Last ){
ans = ans + (ll) cnt * (ll) ( RR - Last + );
return ;
} //jswbutgecnmqnuagqnvxfljfffzvudcfvygpro


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