import xlrd # must init xlrd
import arcpy # param
arcpy.env.workspace = r"F:\note\python\ArcPy" #workspace
excelPath = r"test.xlsx" # excel file path
excelTableIndex = 0 # excel's table index
outName = r"point.shp" # out file excel = xlrd.open_workbook('test.xlsx') # get excel
table = excel.sheets()[0] # get table by sheets index
nrows = table.nrows # number of table's row
# get data
pointGeometryList = [] # a list to hold the PointGeometry objects
point = arcpy.Point() #create an empty Point object
spRef = arcpy.SpatialReference('WGS84 ARC System Zone 18') for i in range(1,nrows): # get row once
x = table.cell(i,0).value
y = table.cell(i,1).value
point.X = float(x)
point.Y = float(y)
pointGeometry = arcpy.PointGeometry(point,spRef)
pointGeometryList.append(pointGeometry) arcpy.CopyFeatures_management(pointGeometryList,outName) # save the shape file
版权声明:本文为CSDN博主「PasserQi」的原创文章,遵循CC 4.0 by-sa版权协议,转载请附上原文出处链接及本声明。
原文链接: =======================================修改===================================================
import xlrd # must init xlrd
import arcpy
import os # param
arcpy.env.workspace = r"F:\kktemp" #workspace
excelPath = r"sss.xlsx" # excel file path
excelTableIndex = 0 # excel's table index
outName = r"F:\kktemp\point.shp" # out file fileName=r'F:\kktemp\sss.xlsx'
if os.path.exists(fileName):
excel = xlrd.open_workbook(fileName) # get excel
table = excel.sheets()[0] # get table by sheets index
nrows = table.nrows # number of table's row
# get data
pointGeometryList = [] # a list to hold the PointGeometry objects
point = arcpy.Point() #create an empty Point object
#spRef = arcpy.SpatialReference('Xian_1980_3_Degree_GK_CM_111E') for i in range(1,nrows): # get row once
x = table.cell(i,0).value
y = table.cell(i,1).value
point.X = float(x)
point.Y = float(y)
pointGeometry = arcpy.PointGeometry(point)
pointGeometryList.append(pointGeometry) arcpy.CopyFeatures_management(pointGeometryList,outName) # save the shape file


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