|         从数据库中读取一条数据(有索引)        |  十几毫秒  |
|         从远程分布式缓存读取一条数据              |  0.5毫秒    |
|         从内存中读取1MB数据                         |  十几微妙  |
public class LiveCache<T> {
// 缓存时间
private final int cacheMillis;
// 缓存对象
private final T element;
// 缓存对象创建时间
private final long createTime; public LiveCache(int cacheMillis, T element) {
this.cacheMillis = cacheMillis;
this.element = element;
this.createTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
} // 获取缓存对象
public T getElement() {
long currentTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
if(cacheMillis > 0 && currentTime - createTime > cacheMillis) {
return null;
} else {
return element;
} // 获取缓存对象,忽略缓存时间有效性
public T getElementIfNecessary() {
return element;
} public static void main(String[] args) {
int cacheMilis = 1000 ;
LiveCache<Object> liveCache = new LiveCache<>(cacheMilis, new Object()) ; liveCache.getElement() ;
liveCache.getElementIfNecessary() ; }
public interface LiveFetch<T> {
// 刷新缓存接口
T fetch() ;
} public class LiveManager<T> {
// 缓存时间
private int cacheMillis;
// 缓存对象
private LiveCache<T> liveCache;
// 刷新缓存的对象
private LiveFetch<T> liveFetch ; private Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(LiveManager.class) ; // 刷新缓存开关
private boolean refresh = false ; public LiveManager(int cacheMillis, LiveFetch<T> liveFetch) {
this.cacheMillis = cacheMillis ;
this.liveFetch = liveFetch ;
} /**
* fetch cache ; if cache expired , synchronous fetch
* @return
public T getCache() { initLiveCache(); if(liveCache != null) {
T t ;
if((t= liveCache.getElement()) != null) {
return t ;
} else {
t = liveFetch.fetch() ;
if(t != null) {
liveCache = new LiveCache<T>(cacheMillis, t) ;
return t ;
} return null ;
} /**
* fetch cache ; if cache expired , return old cache and asynchronous fetch
* @return
public T getCacheIfNecessary() { initLiveCache(); if(liveCache != null) {
T t ;
if((t= liveCache.getElement()) != null) {
return t ;
} else {
refreshCache() ;
return liveCache.getElementIfNecessary() ;
} return null ;
} /**
* init liveCache
private void initLiveCache() {
if(liveCache == null) {
T t = liveFetch.fetch() ;
if(t != null) {
liveCache = new LiveCache<T>(cacheMillis, t) ;
} /**
* asynchronous refresh cache
private void refreshCache() { if(refresh)
return ;
refresh = true ;
try {
Thread thread = new Thread(() -> {
try {
T t = liveFetch.fetch();
if (t != null) {
liveCache = new LiveCache<>(cacheMillis, t);
} catch (Exception e){
logger.error("LiveManager.refreshCache thread error.", e);
} finally {
refresh = false ;
}) ;
} catch (Exception e) {
logger.error("LiveManager.refreshCache error.", e);
} public class Test { public static void main(String[] args) {
int cacheMilis = 1000 ;
LiveManager<Object> liveManager = new LiveManager<>(cacheMilis,() -> new Test().t1()) ; liveManager.getCache() ;
liveManager.getCacheIfNecessary() ;
} public Object t1(){ return new Object() ;
public interface LiveMapFetch<T> {
// 异步刷新数据
T fetch(String key) ;
} public class LiveMapManager<T> { private int cacheMillis;
private Map<String,LiveCache<T>> liveCacheMap;
private LiveMapFetch<T> liveMapFetch; private Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(LiveMapManager.class) ; private boolean refresh = false ; public LiveMapManager(int cacheMillis, LiveMapFetch<T> liveMapFetch) {
this.cacheMillis = cacheMillis ;
this.liveMapFetch = liveMapFetch ;
} /**
* fetch cache ; if cache expired , synchronous fetch
* @return
public T getCache(String key) { initLiveCache(); T t ;
if(liveCacheMap.containsKey(key) && (t = liveCacheMap.get(key).getElement()) != null) {
return t ;
} else {
t = liveMapFetch.fetch(key) ;
if(t != null) {
LiveCache<T> liveAccess = new LiveCache<T>(cacheMillis, t) ;
liveCacheMap.put(key, liveAccess) ;
return t ;
} return null ;
} /**
* fetch cache ; if cache expired , return old cache and asynchronous fetch
* @return
public T getCacheIfNecessary(String key) { initLiveCache(); T t ;
if(liveCacheMap.containsKey(key) && (t = liveCacheMap.get(key).getElement()) != null) {
return t ;
} else {
if(liveCacheMap.containsKey(key)) {
refreshCache(key) ;
return liveCacheMap.get(key).getElementIfNecessary() ;
} else {
t = liveMapFetch.fetch(key) ;
if(t != null) {
LiveCache<T> liveAccess = new LiveCache<T>(cacheMillis, t) ;
liveCacheMap.put(key, liveAccess) ;
return t ;
return t ;
} /**
* init liveCache
private void initLiveCache() {
if(liveCacheMap == null) {
liveCacheMap = new HashMap<>() ;
} /**
* asynchronous refresh cache
private void refreshCache(String key) { if(refresh)
return ;
refresh = true ;
try {
Thread thread = new Thread(() -> {
try {
T t = liveMapFetch.fetch(key);
if (t != null) {
LiveCache<T> liveAccess = new LiveCache<>(cacheMillis, t);
liveCacheMap.put(key, liveAccess);
} catch (Exception e) {
logger.error("LiveMapManager.refreshCache thread error.key:",e);
} finally {
refresh = false ;
}) ;
} catch (Exception e) {
logger.error("LiveMapManager.refreshCache error.key:" + key, e);
} } public class Test { public static void main(String[] args) {
int cacheMilis = 1000 ;
LiveMapManager<Object> liveManager = new LiveMapManager<>(cacheMilis,(String key) -> new Test().t1(key)) ; liveManager.getCache("key") ;
liveManager.getCacheIfNecessary("key") ;
} public Object t1(String key){ return new Object() ;


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