* 登陆方法
public Map<String, String> login2(UserVo userVo, Model model) {
Map<String, String> res = new HashMap();
String code = WebUtils.getHttpSession().getAttribute("code").toString();
model.addAttribute("error", SysConstast.USER_LOGIN_ERROR_MSG);
res.put("code", "400");
res.put("message", "验证码错误");
return res;
User user = this.userService.login(userVo);
if (null == user) {
model.addAttribute("error", SysConstast.USER_LOGIN_ERROR_MSG);
res.put("code", "302");
res.put("address", "../login/toLogin.action");
return res;
WebUtils.getHttpSession().setAttribute("user", user);
//记录登陆日志 向sys_login_log里面插入数据
LogInfoVo logInfoVo = new LogInfoVo();
logInfoVo.setLogintime(new Date());
logInfoVo.setLoginname(user.getRealname() + "-" + user.getLoginname());
logInfoVo.setLoginip(WebUtils.getHttpServletRequest().getRemoteAddr()); logInfoService.addLogInfo(logInfoVo);
res.put("code", "200");
res.put("address", "../login/mainIndex.action");
return res;
} @RequestMapping("mainIndex")
public String mainIndex() {
return "system/main/index";
} /**
* 得到登陆验证码
* @throws IOException
public void getCode(HttpServletResponse response, HttpSession session) throws IOException {
// 定义图形验证码的长和宽
LineCaptcha lineCaptcha = CaptchaUtil.createLineCaptcha(116, 36, 4, 5);
session.setAttribute("code", lineCaptcha.getCode());
ServletOutputStream outputStream = response.getOutputStream();
ImageIO.write(lineCaptcha.getImage(), "JPEG", outputStream);


    <div class="layui-form-item input-item" id="imgCode">
<label for="code">验证码</label>
<input type="text" placeholder="请输入验证码" autocomplete="off" name="code" id="code" class="layui-input">
<img src="${ctx}/login/getCode.action" onclick="this.src=this.src+'?'">


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