1. We can make it to play trick in code.

At Dialog's show function, after app has set contentView, we can add a GlobalLayoutListener on decorView's ViewTreeObserver. At the listener, we can check the decorView's height, if over the max height, just truncate it.

 private void resolveAlertDialogHeight() {
WindowManager wm = (WindowManager) mContext
Display display = wm.getDefaultDisplay(); Point size = new Point();
int height = size.y; final int maxHeight = (int) (height * 0.68); final View decorView = mWindow.getDecorView();
new OnGlobalLayoutListener() {
public void onGlobalLayout() {
int actualHeight = decorView.getMeasuredHeight(); WindowManager.LayoutParams l = mWindow.getAttributes();
if (actualHeight > maxHeight) {
l.height = maxHeight; mWindow.setAttributes(l);
} decorView.getViewTreeObserver()

2. Modify windowBackground reference png.

The dot9 png referenced by android:windowBackground attr is the Dialog's background. We can modify this dot9 png, adding extra padding on top and bottom to limit the margin of Alert.


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