The old lady sits on a mobile chair every morning.
The book contains scandalous text.

The current survey will have a wider geographical spread.
His rustic speech and ways made him uncomfortable in the city school.
I'm afraid this old radio is beyond repair.
I can hear him in the restroom, heaving his heart up.
There is a summary at the end of each chapter.
Growth is a function of nutrition.
The cafeteria is short handed so we'll have to wait in line.
Though a few rebels still held out, the fighting was effectively ended.
Scrape your shoes on the door mat before you come in.进屋前先在门口擦鞋垫上擦一擦鞋子。
The software provides a virtual tour of the museum.
The store offers free delivery to my home.
His identification with the hero of the book made him sleepless.
A trip through the shanty town brought home to me just how poor the people are.
It was met with tremendous skepticism and resistance among physicians.
Ruz saw a large, flat stone slab on floor of the temple.
A surge of innovation in techniques is on the horizon.技术改进的浪潮即将出现。
I need experience to get a job, but without a job I can't get experience. It's a vicious circle.我得有经验才能找到工作, 可是没有工作我就无法获得经验。这真是个恶性循环。
He can scarcely survive this scandal with his reputation intact.他经此丑闻名誉很难不受损.
As a result, analytical data obtained by analysts were often in disagreement.
Exposure of the body to strong sunlight can be harmful.
His book is the most complete treatment of the subject.
A solitary candle lightened the darkness of the room.
This humid heat makes you feel rather sluggish.这种湿热的天气使人感到懒洋洋的。


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  11. 剑指offfer:二维数组中的查找
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  13. nginx与Apache的对比以及优缺点
  14. JAVA开发环境搭建(Mac)
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  19. SpringMVC日期类型转换问题处理方法归纳
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