
 package ADT;

 import algorithms.util.StdOut;

* Compilation: javac Date.java
* Execution: java Date
* Dependencies: StdOut.java
* An immutable data type for dates.
******************************************************************************/ /**
* The <tt>Date</tt> class is an immutable data type to encapsulate a
* date (day, month, and year).
* <p>
* For additional documentation,
* see <a href="http://algs4.cs.princeton.edu/12oop">Section 1.2</a> of
* <i>Algorithms, 4th Edition</i> by Robert Sedgewick and Kevin Wayne.
* @author Robert Sedgewick
* @author Kevin Wayne
public class Date implements Comparable<Date> {
private static final int[] DAYS = { 0, 31, 29, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31 }; private final int month; // month (between 1 and 12)
private final int day; // day (between 1 and DAYS[month]
private final int year; // year /**
* Initializes a new date from the month, day, and year.
* @param month the month (between 1 and 12)
* @param day the day (between 1 and 28-31, depending on the month)
* @param year the year
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if this date is invalid
public Date(int month, int day, int year) {
if (!isValid(month, day, year)) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid date");
this.month = month;
this.day = day;
this.year = year;
} /**
* Initializes new date specified as a string in form MM/DD/YYYY.
* @param date the string representation of this date
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if this date is invalid
public Date(String date) {
String[] fields = date.split("/");
if (fields.length != 3) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid date");
month = Integer.parseInt(fields[0]);
day = Integer.parseInt(fields[1]);
year = Integer.parseInt(fields[2]);
if (!isValid(month, day, year)) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid date");
} /**
* Return the month.
* @return the month (an integer between 1 and 12)
public int month() {
return month;
} /**
* Returns the day.
* @return the day (an integer between 1 and 31)
public int day() {
return day;
} /**
* Returns the year.
* @return the year
public int year() {
return year;
} // is the given date valid?
private static boolean isValid(int m, int d, int y) {
if (m < 1 || m > 12) return false;
if (d < 1 || d > DAYS[m]) return false;
if (m == 2 && d == 29 && !isLeapYear(y)) return false;
return true;
} // is y a leap year?
private static boolean isLeapYear(int y) {
if (y % 400 == 0) return true;
if (y % 100 == 0) return false;
return y % 4 == 0;
} /**
* Returns the next date in the calendar.
* @return a date that represents the next day after this day
public Date next() {
if (isValid(month, day + 1, year)) return new Date(month, day + 1, year);
else if (isValid(month + 1, 1, year)) return new Date(month + 1, 1, year);
else return new Date(1, 1, year + 1);
} /**
* Compares two dates chronologically.
* @param that the other date
* @return <tt>true</tt> if this date is after that date; <tt>false</tt> otherwise
public boolean isAfter(Date that) {
return compareTo(that) > 0;
} /**
* Compares two dates chronologically.
* @param that the other date
* @return <tt>true</tt> if this date is before that date; <tt>false</tt> otherwise
public boolean isBefore(Date that) {
return compareTo(that) < 0;
} /**
* Compares two dates chronologically.
* @return the value <tt>0</tt> if the argument date is equal to this date;
* a negative integer if this date is chronologically less than
* the argument date; and a positive ineger if this date is chronologically
* after the argument date
public int compareTo(Date that) {
if (this.year < that.year) return -1;
if (this.year > that.year) return +1;
if (this.month < that.month) return -1;
if (this.month > that.month) return +1;
if (this.day < that.day) return -1;
if (this.day > that.day) return +1;
return 0;
} /**
* Returns a string representation of this date.
* @return the string representation in the format MM/DD/YYYY
public String toString() {
return month + "/" + day + "/" + year;
} /**
* Compares this date to the specified date.
* @param other the other date
* @return <tt>true</tt> if this date equals <tt>other</tt>; <tt>false</tt> otherwise
public boolean equals(Object other) {
if (other == this) return true;
if (other == null) return false;
if (other.getClass() != this.getClass()) return false;
Date that = (Date) other;
return (this.month == that.month) && (this.day == that.day) && (this.year == that.year);
} /**
* Returns an integer hash code for this date.
* @return a hash code for this date
public int hashCode() {
int hash = 17;
hash = 31*hash + month;
hash = 31*hash + day;
hash = 31*hash + year;
return hash;
} /**
* Unit tests the <tt>Date</tt> data type.
public static void main(String[] args) {
Date today = new Date(2, 25, 2004);
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
today = today.next();
} StdOut.println(today.isAfter(today.next()));
StdOut.println(today.next().isAfter(today)); Date birthday = new Date(10, 16, 1971);
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
birthday = birthday.next();
} }


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